The golden mantella is a small, terrestrial frog that can be found in which part of the world?

Correct answer: Madagascar

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What people think about it: 4 Comments
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Mars V, As opposed to an aquatic frog. Try to keep up!!
Mars V
Mars V
As opposed to an extraterrestrial frog?
Player #84416559
Player #84416559
fergiethefrog, bravo! you get an A+ .you know your frogs !
Fooled me into thinking it was another poison dart frog, which is also beautifully and brightly colored. Their secretions are utilized by native people on tips of arrows or darts for hunting. Their toxin comes from the insects they consume. Because the insects fed in captivity are not the same as their native habitats, pet species of these frogs are generally non-toxic.