Which black animal crossing your path is said to be bad luck?
Correct answer: Cat
The Morrigan
In the UK, black cats are considered lucky if they cross your path
Pril San Pedro, I agree Pril...I just wish more ppl would adopt the black kitties and give them a chance...our black kitty is amazing! 😻
Years ago, my kids found a pure black kitty in the stairwell of our building, so we took her in and named her Lucky. She was a beautiful kitty!
Excuse the Kuz
What if that monster from Alien crossed your path? I bet that would be bad luck.
Player #145145954
Lies blacks are lucky, it’s the white cats that can be unlucky in Australia. Cancer causes white cats many problems
The Morrigan, Japan also.
And they’re so cute! Some are mean though also!
I’ve always believed it was lucky