A crocodile is which of these?
Correct answer: Carnivore

YSL, or to put it more simply, omnivores will eat anything -- plants or animals.

Cap’n Patch
YSL, Buses can drive over them but all they do is hiss and disappear into the swamp. I noticed this a bunch of times when I was stationed in Charleston, South Carolina Navy Base. My ship was stationed there and we had to go to the pistol range a lot of times and in the morning, alligators were laying across the road sunning themselves. The bus driver just drove right over them. Never killed ‘em. Not a single one!

Wellll, most of us animals will eat anything to survive! some can't digest the food but will still eat it.

Baron Voski
they're omnivores

"Omnivory is usually defined as feeding at more than one trophic level, and is quantified by various ways of characterizing means and standard deviations of the length and sometimes strength of food chains leading from a consumer species to one or more basal taxa."