Which place has the highest recorded average annual temperature in the world?
Correct answer: Dallol, Ethiopia

Syr Hal
Please put temperature in degrees Celsius for the majority of the world.

For those ignorant Europeans among us (like me), could you kindly add Centigrades? Thanx a bundle.

Or both, please 🤗👍

Syr Hal, perhaps they could do both. I'd be lost if it was in Celsius.

How hot is that in normal degrees?

Willow55385, i believe they are taking winter into the average temps.

Gracious 7
plastercaster1220, yes they are, it sez Average Annual temperature

I would never survive the day in 136 F temperature. Done unless I was laying in a pool of ice water.

Ragini Singh
I actually went to google to change these temperatures to degree Celsius 😂😬

Gracious 7
Willow55385, It's the Average Annual temperature.

Syr Hal, was thinking the same lol

BraidedLandscape6, I'm American and I agree

Big M
PBL, About 58 C.

BraidedLandscape6, not just Europeans, most of the world is metric these days.

B Dog
No offense, guys, but I can at least approximate F temps from a Celsius figure, and I’m a product of the American educational system. Temps in the 130F° range are probably around the 50° range in Celsius, at a guess?

Republic of China
Syr Hal, The guy who wrote the question is American and probably never heard of degrees Celsius before or he just thinks the game is for Americans and not us lol

Republic of China
136 degrees fahrenheit is 57.778 degrees Celsius, 98.2 degrees fahrenheit is 36.778 degrees Celsius, 94 degrees fahrenheit is 34.444 degrees Celsius, 77.8 degrees fahrenheit is 25.444 degrees Celsius and 70.2 degrees fahrenheit is 21.222 degrees Celsius

Julia, I would have jumped on the highest temperature, but remembered it was the AVERAGE. I don't do well in high temperatures especially when the humidity is also high. Death Valley is a very unique place to visit. If it is not crowded and you stand very still there is a feeling like no other in such silence. Then a jet flies over!!!

SafeFrog46193, Death Valley in California holds the record for the highest temp ever. 134 degrees F

Syr Hal, yeah, temp is usually written on both F and C. However, the highest recorded temp in the world is 134 F in Furnace Creek, Death Valley, CA.

Thats 34C
Not sure if that is true. Mount Isa Australia has such high temperatures in spring, summer and autum... its hard to beat!

Don't the Hawaiian islands have higher average annual temperatures than Florida?

Canadagirl, don’t come to Arizona this summer! Lol

Syr Hal,
C x 9/5 + 32 = F
F - 32 x 5/9 = C

Smsm Dmdm , phoenix, AZ also

Wikipedia says Ethiopia but has a higher temp