Which Simon and Garfunkel song was ranked #1 longest on "Billboard" magazine's "Billboard" Hot 100 ranking?
Correct answer: "Bridge Over Troubled Water"

sound of silence was also a classic

My favourite is The Boxer second favourite is I Am A Rock

1Horselady, I liked Scarborough Fair better.

Wannabe Vulcan
We played "Bridge Over Troubled Water" at our wedding.

I have known my closest woman friend since we were in kindergarten. She is a college professor and classical pianist. We own homes in different states, so we probably won't fulfill our teenage plans to someday sit together in rocking chairs on a porch somewhere when we are old. It's been a tough dream to let go. "Bridge Over Troubled Water" has been our song since we were roommates in college.

Apparently they didn't think that it should be released as a single. It was the most conventional track on the album, which included one with no standard instruments and another where they supplied vocals to an instrumental track bought from another group.

love Simon and Garfunkle!!!

But I didn’t understand the question so I thought it meant the longest song, but it was the longest on Billboards Chart