How many times has Donald Trump been married?
Correct answer: Three

And cheated on all of them.

scotty G
piece of garbage

each new wife was his mistress while married to his previous wive. a real scumbag.

Delan1947, the media were all men back then and they didn't consider reporting on each others affairs. It was truly a man's world. Democrats and republicans both turned a blind eye.

Player Peña Power
He's an embarrassment.

Suzy Z
I have a cheating husband too! Just filed for divorce this week in fact

folks are coming out of the woodwork to comment on this question.

Player #2359878
He needs to go NOW!!

Harry Ceeword
Doc The Uber, Then please move to Russia dear.

Great men are either hated or loved.

Bobby, sorry. I served this country. I belong here. I didn’t plead shin splints to get out of duty.

OH. And how about NOW??? Elon, anybody? Talk about grift...

Sydroo, yes, I'm so glad he is president again. now our country can prosper! Both parties and all in between. The sun shines on the good and the evil!

I wanted to put my answer as “who cares!” However, I had to answer cuz I was not gonna waste any freebies on this “it” of a human! This it is truly a waste of an answer regardless!!

Smokey 84
Lady butterfly, I have been wondering the exact same thing.

Lady butterfly
Looks like many of us agree about this “man’s” (lack of) character. So how was he voted in as president!

Player #120374466
PerkyLin, Selective morality. Depends on which political party the offender belongs to. And who the biased media decides to target.

Player #120374466
CyanSeer8693, But she needed Bill to her get foot in the door politically. Very

Player #120374466
Don't forget dear Bill Clinton who married only once, but committed adultery and worse with many women under Hillary's compliant nose

Cheryl , No, it is not. All parts of his life stink.

Debster, Liar liars, pants on fire.

Sydroo, Stone casted.

CiaransMom, His morals are less than any animal on earth. And also, I wouldn't insult garbage by comparison with that abomination of all abominations

scotty G, Absolutely agree!

Player #60253644
Player #2359878, Oh he’s going. And I for one am sorry he’s gone. What we have now is a disgrace!

TnBaby, we’ll plug your ears, he’ll be back!

CyanSeer8693, from making crooked deals selling our uranium! Do some research. Where are the children she saved from Haiti? Still missing!

scotty G, much better than an incompetent pedo that’s in office now!

, Marla cheated on him with gulf pro or their driver can’t remember.