Who invented the technique of bulldogging?
Correct answer: Bill Pickett

William "Bill" Pickett was a former slave as he was African American and made his way out West and became a Cowboy.

John T
ManiacalReaper93771, just because you had not heard of it does not make the question invalid. You learned something.

HarleyMidgeyMom95., 60k in the 70's and early 80's was a substantial amount of money... my parents raised myself and my 2 sisters on less than 20k a year in the 90's... I appreciate the whole growing up on a farm, but don't try to make it seem like you were poor.

Dragonlady, yes quite a few but not all. From what my grandfather to us, “we all got on famously together, I would have laid my life down for one of my fellow cowboys I don’t care what color “.! This from a man who went on to become a FBI agent. He was also the one who told me the true tale behind the Lone Ranger. There were not a lot of great men like him. Definitely none today.

That is where the bull in bulldog comes from. Bulldogs today are the result of foo-foo breeding to make a dog that only looks tough and is actually fragile.

it was hard for my Mom and Dad to Raise a family of six kids and my Two cousins and themselves on my Dads salary of about $60,000 a year. i dont know how they did it, but grow up on a farm in the rural part of central Ca. was an experience i wouldnt change for anything. plus i got to have a horse and pets and learn so much from my parents.

Player Bengal Mama
Bulldogsmomma, I truly wish Somebody out there in Hollywood. would make a True movie about Bill Picket, one for the genuine Lone Ranger and one from my home area named Tom Bass. He wasn't a cowboy but a gentleman equestrian, but a fascinating human being.

Montana Lady, I don't know where you hear all this animal cruelty stuff but it is nonsense. I have worked with animals and cow dogs my whole life and people that raise animals don't hurt them for fun we do it because we enjoy working with them. And even if it was just business a bull is expensive you wouldn't want him hurt and since you have to work around him you don't want to make him mean and pain would do that

Player #19719147
Knew this from "The Cowboy Way" with Woody Harrelson and Keifer Sutherland. Funny movie.

Player August
HarleyMidgeyMom95., most people don't know that.

Hunger Knowledge
They didn't teach African American Children this man 😪 They made sure we knew who Davy Cricket was

the wild West will not be seen again in my lifetime. maybe my great grandkids

Player #19719147, me too!

Richard, he would either bite its upper lip or its nose. he watched the dogs and that's how the dogs controlled them. when I read your comment I had to look it up 🤣

There is a large bronze statue of him grappling with a longhorn at the Ft.Worth stockyards. His technique had a different twist, he would bend over the steers head a bite it on its lip! It worked very well!

Player #49699886
We can be thankful that So many accomplishments have been done by Afro Americans. It's time that that we recognize them and tell their story.

Lola Lo
Chezikeets, maybe you should research dog breeds. there are many different types of bull dogs.

Player #9014120
HarleyMidgeyMom95., Thank you for your added information this was Great

tressjflanigen0528, I know i love animals too. My father was a Journeyman Butcher and it conflicted me my whole life even to this day. i talked to my dad about it and he held my hands and we both started to cry and he said "remember how when i would butcher an animal and i would show you kids how and after we would gather around the animal and thank it for giving it's life for us to eat and nourish our bodies.
thank God for it also?" i said yes Dad but i still wanted to be a Vegetarian. We both smiled and agreed that if we could have we would have but life was different for my family invthe 70s and early 80s

Montana Lady
Bulldogs were bred for "bull baiting", which was the inhumane practice of tying a bull up, blowing pepper in its face and having dogs attack it, the successful dog grabbing its nose and holding on to subdue it.