What is Chekhov's gun?
Correct answer: A literary technique

Player #9153958
If Hemingway abided by this rule his novels would be about 10 pages.

Skanky hoe
I so wanted it to be Chekhov's phaser in star trek 🤣🤣🤣

Player #25874027
But in spy fiction it doesn’t matter what is hanging on the wall .
Spend becomes a cannon , a lamp becomes a flamethrower and a mirror becomes a gateway to another universe.
Sorry that last one is science fiction

Graham Greene was one of the best writers at following this rule.

Player #26379458
Martha Graham, a choreographer in mid C20 always used set piece and even costume decoration as part of the performance. Nothing was extraneous on stage, it always had a purpose or use as part of the story-line.

what a fabulous question. and I think Chekov's idea is fantastic.

Player #9153958, same for Dumas, especially The Count of Monte Christo.

For Sale: Baby Shoes. Never worn. (Hemingway's shortest story)

Not a good idea if you're writing a whodunnit!

Oh my gosh; Patricia Cornwall follows this rule, not only chapter to chapter in each of her novels but book to book!

Skanky hoe, me too. Ha ha

José Luis Torrente
one of the best question encountered

Paula J
Player #9153958, Games of Thrones, as well

Will never read a book the same way now!

Freedom Fighter
Player #9153958, I think that this principle works much better for a short story rather than a novel.

Ah! of course. But now we have a name for this device. Reading murder mysteries is going to do much better for me.