What is the name Harriet Tubman received at birth?
Correct answer: Araminta

The courage and strength of a remarkable human being. Something sorely lacking in most people today.

Tbird, I think the comment was a compliment to her; not a derogatory statement. At least, I hope so. She was remarkable! The summary failed to mention that she suffered neurological damage causing severe headaches and black outs throughout her life. Knowing this makes her notable accomplishments greater.

Unbelievable how much adversity this young black woman accomplished. Wow

She was courageous beyond measure. She had seizures and a bounty on her head, but it didn't stop her from making the journey numerous times.

dollis1963, She married into the name Tubman then decided to change her first name to Harriet, after her mom.

yvonnefoxx66, She was also a nurse on the battlefield for the Union Army.

Ben's Girl
Simply an amazing and brave woman and such an important part of our history.

Her bravery was amazing. She was a true heroine!

AloofYeti271, the injury she stuffed was at the hands of her master, a very evil man.

Darryl1004, harriet was her "free" name & tubman was her married name

Patty Sue
Jethrine321, agreed.

TooManyUsernames07, She could do all things through CHRIST THAT Strengthened HER!!!

I never knew that she was a Union spy in the Civil War. I knew that she helped a lot of slaves gain freedom. I never understood the whole point to have slavery throughout history. People were very cruel to their slaves, and it helps me see how lazy most of the owners were to neglect doing their own work throughout history. Efficiency is all good but for what price? Nothing is ever gained by not working hard for it! There is beauty in diversity🙂

Mars V
Player #109270823, I did my student teaching at Harriet Tubman Middle School in Portland, Oregon. :)

Mars V
MamaBear1448, adversity

Player #109270823
A Great and brave lady, why don’t we celebrate her life and achievements more

She freed more than 70 enslaved families!

this is beautiful all mines in one Accord sister Harriet sister soldier

Jethrine321, that's for sure

We need to hear more about people that have accomplished such honorable thins in history

Loc Cle
She also led a military campaign freeing 750 slaves. This is highlighted in the movie.

Player #39541451
Player #11547146, Pepsi
so sad that people had a hard life-we won't forget her

Player #34323662
MamaBear1448, Adversity was correct and it was that she overcame - not accomplished.

truly a great woman and one for us all to look up to

Player #13023389
I saw the movie and studied the slavery in the US. I have a paternal family member who was a slave. Debby

Yes she was truly an amazing woman.

Player #32542603
I learned about her story from my daughter when she was in 5th grade. My daughter loved learning about Harriet Turman! She inspired my daughter to have courage to deal with the many things she struggled with. She chose to portray Harriet Turman in a class wax museum project in school.

Player #32187635
I say she deserves to be memorialized on the $20 bill.
Call Biden😚

Player #21789452
AloofFairy5103, it's her Slave Name

Player #30142115
TooManyUsernames07, who wouldn't being a slave

Amazing woman! We can learn from her gentle yet profound life that you can help others no matter the laws of the land and that violence + hate are never the way.

Uninitialized, not

Nkisi, what shortcomings? It not a shortcoming to be

Captain Turtle, have you ever accomplished difficulty or misfortune?

Player #11000876
DrGirl777, OMG!! AMAZING- she not only got out but lived! showed what one person can accomplish & not just for herself! what strength, courage, spirit!

Player #11000876
AloofYeti271, wow! I didn't know that!

Player Shakukoko
great woman, I admire her determination and care for her fellows in slavery.

Player #11547146
Amazing woman

It goes to show us all, no matter situations stacked against us, our shortcomings, it's our MIND we control to dig down deep and persevere with constant prayer.

if you haven't seen the movie Harriet yet, go!