What monkey shares its name with a blood group?

Correct answer: The Rhesus monkey

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
I am not a number.
I am not a number.
Rhesus is an antigen. You either have it (positive) or don't (negative). For example someone with blood group AB who lacks the antigen is known as AB- / AB negative / AB Rh negative etc.
Inaccurate information. Rhesus is not a blood group. An explanation about RH negative and RH positive should have been given.
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
AUrelius, that's information is skewed and nothing to do with being different species. What you are talking about is when a Rh+ baby's blood breaches Rh- mother's, then the mother will build antibodies against the Rh+ antigen because it is foreign to her. in subsequent pregnancies, those antibodies will attack the blood of a Rh+ baby. If the baby reaches full term, then a transfusion may be required. This is called "Rhesus Baby" and half of cases are mild.
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin, it happened to my daughter. she was given an injection after her first pregnancy, with her second my grandson spent two weeks under blue lights and after another two weeks he was given a blood transfusion. we were worried at the time, but he is a wonderful eleven years old healthy boy.
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Lorraine, that must have been scary for you all but thankfully all's well that ends well. The shot would have been anti-d immunoglobulin (rhogam).
I don’t think it’s a blood group rather it indicates whether a blood group is positive or negative
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
I didn't know there are feral rhesus monkeys in the wild in the USA.
Player #84599211
Player #84599211
The name rhesus factor (Rh) goes back to the use of erythrocytes extracted from the blood of rhesus monkeys for obtaining the first blood serum
so how does the rhesus monkey share a name with a blood group?
Player #120374466, I have seen videos of them in Florida, near a place that was like a zoo. Outta business so they left a lot of creatures 👎They are MEAN and not to be messed with. YouTube it💯