What was the dispute leading to the War of 1812?

Correct answer: Freedom of the seas

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What people think about it: 20 Comments
It is known as the "the war of 1812" only in the US and maybe UK. Most other people think of it as "the britis-american war of 1812". The Napoleonic wars happened at the same time, so the question is a bit misleading.
how do you guess this is an American war. bigger east of the time was the defeat of Napoleon in Russia. Try to think beyond the US boundaries
Even though its called the war of 1812, my first idea is Napoleon's invasion of Russia. Ive never heard of this american war. I admit i have a lack of knowledge of american history, but in my opinion it would be better to ask the question in a better - clearer way. But on the other hand its always nice to learn something new. 😁
Saint John New Brunswick has a History with this war. We have Fort Howe and Martello Tower that were most instrumental in warding off the Americans.trying to take my Country.
sebela92, the name of this war is "the war of 1812"...
Player #15294530
Player #15294530
freedom of seas? bullshit...always, and i repeat always, the reason for any war was someones interest....
Player Meyer
Player Meyer
It was during this war that the Battle of Baltimore was fought & Frances Scot Key wrote the US National Anthem while he observed the American flag still flying over Ft McHenry as the British retreated.
Cohones, Hello...Canada recognizes it as The War of 1812
BoomtownDave, the British burned down the white house
If you could bring yourself to set aside US propaganda you would realize the true reasons behind the growing US nationalism greed and US political opportunism during the Napoleanic war.
sebela92, There are plenty of questions related to other countries, wars or otherwise.
Player #97184361
Player #97184361
miha, It’s intended if I had to guess that they don’t want to make it too easy to guess the answer. Some head scratching has to go into finding correct choice.! ! !
Mars V
Mars V
I’m soooo tired of the ad with the little fat king who looks like Santa Claus with really long arms!
Player #92832037
Player #92832037
Screen missing some answers
Player Meyer, This was also the war that Canadians burned down the Whitehouse
sebela92, but
mick dundee
mick dundee
I think history may be repeating itself in the south China Sea..
Player #18193216
Player #18193216
and the reason the White House is white, because the Brits arte the Pesidents supper the burnt it the building, needed to be painted to hide the smoke stains
you have a difficult time with USA history too. FYI UK conquered Maine and gave it back
Player #1694644
Player #1694644
it was a question about a specific war, not what was a bigger war, this or that 🙄