During what war was Pearl Harbor bombed?
Correct answer: World War II

Player #3846154
Thank you for all the information that I have learned, my father rarely talked about the war while he was alive. My husband's grandfather and Great Uncle were also there, his Great Uncle was the Captain of the S. S. Arizona Franklin Van Valkenburgh. A Big Thank you to all our sevice men who put there life on the line for us. God be with you

The US may not have declared war but WWII had been going since 1939. So yes, it did occur whilst WWII was happening.

Dighton4, we hadn't yet joined the war but WWII was going on at the time Pearl Harbor was bombed. We declared war after the bombing but Germany, Italy, France, England and Russia were at war at that time. Just because we weren't actively involved at the time of the bombing doesn't mean the war wasn't being fought.

Player #3262661
LibraLady1010, it is pathetic and sad that our schools no longer teach history that everyone should know. but are mere indoctrinators pushing far left ideology.
every American should know this answer.

A close relative of mine was a captain on a ship in Pearl Harbor that day. His death was not pretty.

Player #1268275
Player #1248464, the fighting had already been going on for two years when Pearl Harbor was bombed. It caused the US to enter into the war but did not start or cause the war.

The Day of Infamy was written about Pearl Harbor. My Maternal Grandparents endured that day and by the Grace of God survived. Sadly so many did not. RIP to the lost. God Bless the USA

Mocjoc, ah but their attack woke the sleeping giant

Player #1171056
LibraLady1010, The whole of Britain were involved in WW2 not just England!!!

i must say the movie is good but the wraw footage is more gut wrenching (check youtube for recent color 🎥) i pray for all families and soldiers experiencing that time my hats off ...thank you for y o ur sacrifices we could never walk in your shoes Amen and love to you all. ..

Player #130101380
halp mi pliers

Player #148634390

Player #148870471
what did cause the war?

Shannykin, I had no idea that happened! I'm so sorry they had to live through th.

MikaylaSunrise1967, my father served on the Yorktown until she was sunk at the Battle of Midway.

My dad fought for the USA

too many soldiers died in all the countries

Yes, what became known as WW2 was already years in, but technically the question and answer are incorrect because it wasn't a world war until after the attack when the US formally entered the war.

Tiger Mumzy
So then, latecomers huh? Typical. 😆 On a serious note though, I hope we don't see a WWIII.

Mocjoc, Hi: It says in the text that the war began two years before US declared war on Japan.

Hirohito and me friends until the end <3

the first two months was my best to do it in my life for some of them when

technically when Pearl Harbor was bombed the USA was not involved in WW II

questions 1234⁵23111111

don't like all this game

😎 coolest pop
What kind of question is that.?

my daughter's birthday is December 7th

Player #140831951
عمر داوود

it was a day of infamy

nick gar
Player #3846154, 28 dislike is probably all the lgbt

My great grandfather was an engineer and was helping to build the docks in Pearl Harbor when this horrible event occurred my Nana was 11 years old and their home was on a hill overlooking the harbor and she saw the harbor bombed and then the rest of the payload was dropped on her school as well as the record store. All of the children were loaded onto Uboats so they could be safely transported back to the mainland while their parents had to stay behind to help with the clean up. This is what she told me while I was growing up.

Player #134742773
تيانيليتةيلةيليتلاياياوؤلي البيزا

My Dad was at Pearl Harbor on the USS Maryland that day and did describe what he had to do after the fighting had stopped
No it was not pretty at all
God bless all who were there and those who perished
I will always have you in my prayers

Player #3846154, war is the product of selfishness ….

Player #138284310
Player #3262661, All parents need to protest these indoctrination. This war on our children's brains and lives. FIGHT FOR THEM!!!

Player #1171056, Ireland was neutral in WWII.

A number of my friends' fathers were on the Arizona. Only one of them survived. This hits fairly close to home. God bless all our heroic service men alive and dead.

LibraLady1010, United Kingdom inc Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England.

what is this why I wrong I answer I don't now no cheating beacaus it's bad ok 😁😁😁

I love Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and China and I’m going to go visit those Beautiful Countries and I’m going to marry a Korean Man