What caused the Titanic to sink?
Correct answer: A collision with a massive iceberg
happygamestop444, it is now known that a fire burning for days inside coal stores is what weakened the hull first, making it vulnerable to damage from icebergs
Honeysuckle Rose6214
Michelle Drew, you are oversimplifying things. You need to look at the decisions made regarding the ship's design, the lack of life boats, the myth that it was unsinkable and the failure of the nearest ship to respond. Things are rarely as simple as we like to make them.
Having just answered a question on syntax recently,I feel it's appropriate to point out that it was the ship which hit the iceberg, not vice versa.
Yes, the ship that helped in the rescue did take survivors to New York. My grandmother was on it with her mother & sister,& they shared their state room with Mrs. Astor. She was so thankful that she later invited then to her N.Y. mansion. We learned about this when my grandmother was 82 years of age!!!
Michelle Drew
Such sorrow that never should of happened in the first place if the Captain only listened to what he was told by others.
Player #1329501
A recent program on tv said that if they had hit the iceberg head-on with the bow, they might have stayed afloat longer, and more people might have survived. It's like many blunders in a short period of panic doomed the ship & its passengers. I've heard that engineers built the Titanic, but an amateur built the Ark.
Maybe if upon Send Off and Bottle christening, the man had not said "even GOD can't sink this vessel", there may have been Mercy given by the Almighty GOD. That statement was a slap in the face to the Creator of man. GOD uses threes (3) in many instances- err a 3hour sink time falls into place. My opinion only. I do know that GOD is Real, and Will Not Be Mocked. Byl Butler
Actually the Titanic sank because the "watertight compartments" had no ceilings and allowed the water to pass further into the ship. Also ego allowed this ship to sail without insufficient lifeboats, sealing many passengers' fates.
Joan Collins
So sorry for this mass catastrophe.
learn and play I like this game ❤
The ship was still a legend before going in the see credited by all the superlatives.
It was made in Belfast,Ireland!Thats a fact for y’all
Player #128772199
Player #140688209
التتابع على
ugly lois, sung to the Tune of Beverly Hillbillies??
Gwendolyn, the trumpf did it.
Cree, oh Cletus, that such a beeoootiful hillbilly elegy.
They sank it for the insurance money, look it up.
such sorrow all the passengers that died on the titanic and some were children
Mr Mustafa A Ibrahim
Mr Mustafa A Ibarhim
It hit Kate Winslet
A tragic event in history.
The Cheese Man
The main cause was human error to be honest
did you no that it actually got hit by another ship the captain was named ick parker
I wanted to see that don't you agree
GreyishOccupation2, can you ask your granny how the experience was? I have never been on a ship before, nor sat in a plane before.
hang on,what if the titanic didn't sink???
TheSmartest1, I think this story qualifies as a conspiracy theory. The twin ship of the Titanic was the Olympic.
Amelia philpson
fun fact the Wallace Hartley tried to calm people down
Zainab 😍
Thats so easy because i already know that i saw a whole Titanic Story
Team Sabrina
it WAS unsinkable.it had water compartments filled with water but not all the way to the top.when it hit the iceberg,the water in the compartments went all in the other compartments.one of the compartments was filled way to much that the ship shifted to one side and sank.
زوزو 🥀
الجمال والموضة
I wish that I am dead because I hate the life that I am living in
bernasor boyet
a collision of the iceberg.
Player #142604181
to pop easy
my son was obsessed with learning about the Titanic when he was little. He would read everything he could. He would watch online documentaries. One time I caught him watching one of these in German (we are an English speaking family in the United States).
I thought that it was because the captain was distracted by Celine Dion's singing.
Made of Iron
Titanic is a long sad story because Jack acted by Leonardo Dicaprio died of freezing and sank to the watery grave.
However, I like that theme song sung by Celine Dion is My Heart Will Go On.