Where does Maple Syrup come from?
Correct answer: Tree sap of the maple tree

LoopyLynda74, I'm from New England, actually The boondocks of New England. The trees are not harmed. And there is really no way to make maple syrup at a commercial level like your thinking. It's an amazing process. It's very weather contingent. The trees have to freeze for a certain amount of time and then when they thaw in the spring the sap very slowly bleeds out, whether you tap it or not, so the tree is not losing anything. The way my daughter and I did it, we used a spout in the tree which drained into a pail. Every day there is a little bit of sap. By the end of the season (which is only about a month) you get enough from a few trees to boil down. The boil down process is very sensitive to temperature and speed. If you go too fast you will break it and you get low grade syrup. It takes forever just to get a pint. The commercial facilities have hoses and tanks and big vats to make it in, but you still have to go through the whole process. There is no way to streamline it or make it go faster or increase the amount of sap you can get from trees. That's why it's so expensive.

Best way to eat pancakes good old mother nature

LoopyLynda74, doesn't hurt the trees, been doing syrup for years at the same trees.

Very expensive syrup!

When I used to read Little House on the Prairie books when I was a little girl ( about 55 yrs ago) I used to want to do this.

Cherokeeprincess3, WOW! You have some seriously flawed logic or you just enjoy screaming Fire Fire when there isn't even smoke. How do you go from discussing a tree bring harmed from having its sap removed to abortions! Wow. That's sad!

Player #10628065
Indeed expensive syrup, however after tasting it on pancakes, I'm not happy with any other!

Player #30601169
My great uncle had a sugar bush on his hobby farm outside of Montréal. Each spring we'd visit and help empty the sap buckets into the huge vat on the sled that was pulled by horses. We could watch the men boiling it down in the sugar shack. My great aunt would boil some down in a huge pot on the wood stove in their big kitchen and, oh what a delicious aroma! When it was boiled to a thicker consistency we'd get a cookie sheet and cover it with fresh snow to make taffy, or "tire" in Québec, pronounced teer. The beat treat!

Laura Ingles Wilder, said in her book, Little House in the Big Woods said that the beginning of spring would yield a "sugar snow". Being the child that she was at the time, she went outside during this snow, put out her tongue and tasted the snow flakes thinking it might be sweet lol

Maple Syrup is the best. 😋I like heating mine up then pour on my pancakes. also good on vanilla ice cream

Be wise
I love maple bar pastries. I’m not sure if they are made with maple syrup.

little b
I've not heard of ygghg

Sharon , not waste product. vomit.

I always wondered, how bugs are kept out of it.

For some reason, I don't like putting maple syrup on my pancakes bc I prefer butter

sparkle ✨
maple syrup 🍁🥮 is very tasty 😋.

i think it's tasty

FiannaFianna, Excellent description

FiannaFianna, I think when you say bleed out VS oozes out people hear blood.

Devansh Dixit
I like this !!

Player #120374466
Sharon , It's stored food for the bees. How could it be a waste product?

Player #120374466
Player #30601169, Sounds amazing. What good wholesome memories. Never heard of maple snow taffy!

Player #120374466
LoopyLynda74, ??? I guess missed that one.

Player #120374466
FiannaFianna, Thank you for educating us non New Englanders about this fabulous tree. So a person would need at least 4 or more trees to get a gallon of syrup. I haven't had maple sugar candy in many

I love maple syrup :D

Naka bad mood char

penawareof, but so worth it.

Also one of the great many things about the country of Canada. And New England too...

syrup these days are too expensive for the old days.

Im surprised so many people got it wrong, the answers in the question!

is it me or is maple syrup generally too delicious to believe it comes from trees??

Giggle pig
The best maple syrup comes from Highland County Virginia.

LoopyLynda74, it doe not hurt the trees. the trees drain its sap on its own!!!

Used to home make maple syrup with my dad

Fun Fact: 85 % of Maple Syrup comes from Canada

Ema & Maya
Very tasty syrup, especially in gingerbread!

Old Man
penawareof, I never even taste it

Old Man
FiannaFianna, man you're just fire 🔥

Canada, Quebec in particular, produce the majority of the world's maple syrup.

I live in Canada and if don't know this I know