How was the bubonic plague known in England?
Correct answer: Black Death
What a coincidence that a disease way back in those ages originated from. China.
It appears that a plague occurs at intervals throughout history that lightens nature and leaves space to replenish anew.
Wow, I hope and pray that we never have another black plague like that, I just can’t imagine what that was like,,
The Plague Doctors outfits would scare me to death never mind the thought of catching the plague!! This is also where we get the song Ring a Ring of Roses 🌹 from.
Ariesman , rodents are prevalent everywhere. where we live we are only 6 feet away froma rat or mouse.
Mars V, ashes, ashes, we all fall down?
Mars V
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down!
Now we have natural weather disasters worldwide.
i'm glad the philippines wasn't discovered yet by europeans. rats are mainstays in ships
Player #29152846
I also wonder about the HUGE raccoons I see climbing out of dumpsters everywhere in large cities.