Which painting depicts Jesus and his 12 disciples?
Correct answer: The Last Supper
little b
I've not heard of the last supper
I love the other options.
Where was the last Brunch?
They had to get a table for 26, because they all were sitting on one side.
this guy.
pushed the wrong answer... going too fast.
Saw this in Milan
Nerak 7
The painting is one of the best world wide. It is said that Judas in at the table to the left of Jesus standing holding a bag of gold I believe.
Mz.Peggy, you make a good point, but He was there for part of it.
The last supper movie made me and my younger cousin cry 😭
Chris, Judas Iscariot had already been excused by Jesus to go do his deeds of betrayal. so the last supper should not have a total of 13 reclining at the table buy the head count should be 12 period including Jesus