What year did Pink Floyd release their "Dark Side of The Moon" album?
Correct answer: 1973

Best album ever!!!

Love that album.

regarded as the best rock album ever to date.

Player #118197
UltravioletTRex49909, I agree. l played the record so much, l needed to buy anothe Dark Side....no music like Pink Floyd's music.

Princess Cinders
Pink Floyd rules! i have everything, BEST BAND EVER!

I saw them in 95 in Indianapolis, it was an Indoor concert. They were so excellent I had to see them again 1 month later at Soldier Field in Chicago. Outdoor concert and the sound was just as amazing.

Floyd, I'm 64, from London, and no other band have topped them. Saw them live in "the wall" and again for Division Bell. Totally amazing. Best concert I've been to, and I've been on quite a few!

Note that there are only 6 colours in the prism, not 7.

One of the best album sleeves ever!

changed my musical taste

Love Pink Floyd. Too bad about the rough relationship between Roger Waters and David Gilmore.

Best road trip music Ever!

Player atticus
TopDogSage14938, I've owned many versions of Dark Side.

Player #3859390
One of my favorites

one of the best albums ever made. they are awesome in concert.my mom saw them in the late sixties and seventies. i saw them in 1993 in Santa Barbara. mom saw them in L.A. i think she said the coleseum.

Player #118197, i agree.