What was David Bowie's birth surname?
Correct answer: Jones

he was a great artist

Player #116098, Their was already a famous Davy Jones. He was the lead singer for the Monkees.

The irreplaceable and amazing Bowie- still miss him

3/5 Black Knight
Ground control to Major Tom.

Player #27355
questionableYo,man29, you must be too young to remember his album Ziggy Stardust and the spiders frim Mars—Great

OpalScorpio51942, Bowie had his name changed to avoid confusion with Davy Jones.

OpposingAmigo49857, ome of the greatest artist of all time.. broke alot of barriers. Rip

Player #5621402
A brilliant talented unique artist of which we will never see the like of again. Privileged to have lived to enjoy his music. What a joy.

very few live up to his talent, rip black diamond dog

Player #116098, He changed his name so as not to be confused with the popular Monkee's group member, Davy Jones.

Mrs busybody
Definitely one of the greatest artists ever. Sadly missed.

loved him what an amazing man RIP

Player #30216422
great artist he was and sadly missed

my son was born on his 50th birthday!

HoverMom3, We are NOT all given the same information.

Player #116098, b/c of Davy Jones in the Monkees

Player #116098, weren't you reading the information given to you. He changed it because there was already Davy Jones of the Monkess preceding him in the business.

Player #116098
Miss Elaineous, Very interesting, but does not answer the question why he changed his name to Bowie.