When did the TV show Doctor Who first air?
Correct answer: 1963

Alisha Wickham
Who’s a who fan?!? :)

Player #127011
always loved Tom Baker's doctor, also an Eccleston fan.

quizland master,
As a matter of fact, the first episode of Doctor Who (An Unearthly Child) aired on November 23rd, 1963, the day after Kennedy was killed. Almost no one watched Doctor Who in its premier showing, because everyone was glued to the news coverage of the JFK assassination. Verity Lambert, Doctor Who's producer had to argue -hard- with the BBC to re-transmit Doctor Who, on the basis that the show didn't get a fair chance to be seen. Verity Lambert was successful, and the show was rebroadcast the following week. The rest is history.

its so hard to pick a favorite, each regeneration has its own unique personality.....i guess if i heard to i would pick David Tennant.

I remember sitting on my Mom's lap watching the first doctor William Hartnell lol.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Whovians of the world unite! One of the greatest shows ever!

LaughingParakeet52, Tennant is my favorite too. I do like the others, but there is just something about that actor that I adore.

The Mighty One
DaveGundërsen, Matt Smith is My all-time favorite Doctor

GingerSometimes, I remember watching it from behind the sofa! Daleks terrified me!

My favorite show! A lifelong fan! Tom Baker's and Matt Smith's respective portrayal of the Doctor have been my favorites so far.
I'm very, very excited to see where Chris Chibnall and Jodie Whittaker take the show next!

DaveGundërsen, Dave Thanks for the info,I didn't know that Very interesting fact it was before my birth!Well done Verify for fighting the show's corner!

flr, That's funny

The BBC us obsessed with this program. It should have been long discontinued.

Globular Martian
Alisha Wickham, I am. Love Doctor Who!

my mother had a vacuum cleaner that she called the Dalek. Exterminate!

LaughingParakeet52, David Tennant also my favorite Dr. Who.

Player #127011, Jon Pertwee was the best dr who

Player Ejag, Madame Pompadour" and "Don't Blink."

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, Writing went bad as Jodie took over. and I've been off it since. Favorite companion was Amy because Karen Gillan had great energy!

Alisha Wickham, Pop is.

date of frist airing was 22 nov 1963. same day that jfk was shot

DaveGundërsen, great post..glad the producer stuck to her guns..

I too am a Whovian! Loved Tom Baker and his jelly babies best. David Tennant and his wibbly wobbly timey wimey too. Louise Jameson as Leela of the sevateem! remember her!?!
Not to mention so much Fun with cheapo props.

I loved David Tennant as the Doctor

hugh jass

Alisha Wickham, Dont Blink!

Loved Billie Piper as Rose Tyler

DaveGundërsen, love jodie

Holly Golightly
I'm from south Africa so we didn't get the tv series but growing up I was a huge fan and read all the books that I could get in the library. Cybermen are my favorite nemesis.

It goes: Will Hartnell, Smith, Peter Capaldi.

Tom Baker and David Tennant were my favourites, went to Supanova as the fourth Dr got so many high fives was awesome.

Player #39781786
Time And Relative Dimension In Space

Guillermo Jr.
I love all the different incarnations of the Doctor! brilliant concept.. especially in an era of fragile entertainment contracts!

Player Gigi #28446253
Player Elf Council, have never watched it. Maybe should try.

Player Elf Council
Alisha Wickham, Got cut Bigg. Was saying I remember the very first scene. The doctor's granddaughter in class.

Player Elf Council
Alisha Wickham, I remember. the very in first scene in The d ok cto

Grew up watching Tom Baker. Matt Smith is my second favorite. Was upset when Matt's run ended. Thought it was too soon. He could have gone another season or two.

Player BARTEMAEUS 10, TrumpVoter,obviously

Player #7924321
GingerSometimes, I remember hiding behind the couch when the doors were opening upwards and then.....exterminate!

* Seshati *
LaughingParakeet52, me too