What is the longest river in China called?
Correct answer: The Yangtze River

ATribeCalledMason, Yellow River, or Huang He in Mandarin, is named by the Chinese, not westerners. Its yellow from the silt washed from the Gobi.

Heartland Old Guy
NoologicalSilliness, yes, but thet did ask what the longest river in China was. The Yangtze is 933 kilometers longer than the Yellow River, the second longest in China.

China has so many beautiful natural wonders It is a shame that country allows so much pollution!

I guess we all chose the most Chinese sounding name? Haha

Zell. I am a female
Hey!! I guessed it right for a change

Player #4755792
Heartland Old Guy, that's the way to tell it like it is

Also the river known for its koi-dragon legends.

heheh The Yellow River by I.P. Freely.

#1Rishiraj, Who?

Player #120374466
arohanui, I'm crying crocodile tears 🐊😭

Toms, The Yellow River is China's Sorrow. Past flood events have each killed millions of people. The flooding of the Yangtze has been controlled by Three Gorges Dam.

Yangtze was familiar as I remember hearing it in geography class.

the last river crocodile in China died in 2013, now there are only a few in India and Bangladesh.

its dried nowadays 😕

isn't this river also called the sorrow of China?

Player #63550651
I guess that a Chinese name is the correct answer

joseph0357, yes, correct comment

actually,its yang ce kyang.

Player #32567393
Zell. I am a female ,
Same here! I’ve been getting them wrong lately!

Player #25874027
I thought it is actually the Yalu

Player #29992501
easy peasy 😁

Captain Aritri
Player #25158496, ...In Pakistan before it was in India

Player #25158496
Where is the Sindhu River located?

Hrithik Roshan
PointySorcerer30507, i also said that lol

I said the yellow river lol

Ash kahe ash karo
You are budda old man musalodu

Very good