Who had the face that launched a thousand ships?
Correct answer: Helen

Player Elf Counsel
penawareof, And all the Experts claimed Troy was a myth until Shleiman proved them wrong. He even found the royal treasures in the graves which contained the mask of Menalaus. I've seen the collection in the Athens museum. It's spectacular.

Cindy Wiggins
The island I’m from Saint Lucia is called Helen of the West Indies. In 1814, the British took definitive control of the island. Because it switched so often between British and French control, Saint Lucia was also known as the "Helen of the West Indies" after the Greek mythological character, Helen of Troy.

According to legend, her eyes were gray.

Player judyndisguise
No room for u, my mother-in-law was called Helen. Her first name was actually Doris but she preferred to be associated with Troy rather than Arnold Ziffel's mother!

Cindy Wiggins, you are BLESSED to live on such a beautiful island! I got married there 18 years ago and renewed our vows 2 years ago. I love your island and the sweet, gentle people who call it home.

her PRICE could gave launched 1000 ships... not her face. kind of like a literary mondegreen.

Rena K H
Player #14507623, Definitely not Helen

Rena K H
MGK114, No, there is not. Helen of Troy is a mythical person, her story being told in Iliad by Homer.

Kseris pia Eleni?

Ah yes, the face that launched a thousand ships, with the cuts and bruises to prove it 😄.

Player #13075987
Troy was an excellent movie with Brad Pitt and Eric Bana

Player #14507623
Who is the woman in the picture?

Player #3147300 cind, they didn't have cameras 7,000 years ago

Seen "Troy" and "Helen of Troy". Both were good depictions.