Who is the only US President to win a Pulitzer Prize?
Correct answer: John F. Kennedy

The Beach Gal, yes Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize not a Pulitzer. For a while I thought people just didn't bother to Google things but I'm starting to realize that this must be their only joy in life, to come into a quiz game and insult people and just say the answer is wrong or bad. And then there are those if us who just love this game because we are learning a lot. We should have a seperate section where we could have real discussions and teach each other things instead of having to wade through so much negativity.

Republican senators should read this book

Zell. I am a female
I would like to read it

FiannaFianna, I completely agree!

VelourBanjoPlayer141, he’d be considered conservative today 🇺🇸

Player #38618593
Every senator should read it.

FiannaFianna, the internet is not real life babydoll. Dont let negativity get you down. Its like road rage, you dont see the results of your words so you say any nasty thing you think without regarding how it affects other people's feelings.

Player #9495659
JFK wrote Profiles in Courage, while recovering from a serious back surgery. Jackie took on the task of secretary and providing research and feedback. JFK suffered a serious back injury in WWII, which he dealt with until his death.

Player #43584441
Player #9495659, very wrong. the quote you use is from ronald reagan. what jfk said was "I'm a berliner" in german

Player #49282364
Player #9495659, ???? Thought it was Reagan who said "Mr. Gorbachev....tear down this wall in 1988 or 89. I know JFK objected to the wall, but I thought that comment belonged to RR" ??

although Obama didn't do Jack to win

Player #120391171
FiannaFianna, the only ‘problem’ with Obama getting the Nobel award, is it was awarded for what he could potentially do, not for anything that he did.
Add that to the fact that he didn’t deliver anything of note after the award, either.

Player #9495659, JFK said in German, "I am a Berliner." He did not say, "Tear down that wall." Reagan said that.

Player #49282364, you’re correct, it was Reagan. JFK wasn’t alive when the wall was taken down.

papab, All the Congress should read this and be tested.

FiannaFianna, OMG. your that person...the one that has the guts to say what everyone else would like to say. I'm with you on that. I have learned so much since Playing this game. also. I found out that in some cases I know more than I thought I did.

Player #32777902
Papa Joe Kennedy said, in politics, it's not who you are that matters. It's who people think you are that matters. Start there for the truth on the Kennedys.

I read Kennedys book in high school. very good reading . also I had a big crush on jfk. I almost got to meet him when he was.campaigning in NY
. there were so many cars waiting we didn't get to. I was very disappointed . when he was shot cried forhours.

Colnago CLX
PT 109.

FiannaFianna, I agree!

FiannaFianna, AMEN! But I must admit, I enjoy reading others misconceptions and bigotries...

Orville Parker Gildock
I read the child's abridged edition when I was a wee one.

Play grananny
Profiles in Courage is not a biography of it about Kennedy.

it was hard but I did it right! I hope your doing good stay safe!

FiannaFianna, Very well said!

Player Larry B
Ted Sorenson wrote it.

Player #18127743
I think that's a great idea because I would always even as a child want to learn but there was always alot of negativity same thing. Also people have no patience. People are always in a hurry to chase their own tail.It s always good to learn

FiannaFianna, agreed. it seems that every time I make a comment , somebody has to judge me or contradict me. why?

papab, Democrats should read it. And the Constitution. Maybe there are a few of them who have integrity.

Player #10883757
FiannaFianna, amen

Player #9495659
Player SQinfoNUTS, No, JFK and Jackie wrote it at the Kennedy compound, whie he was recovering from back surgery. Research JFK in the mid 1950's.

Player #9495659
Player SQinfoNUTS, No JFK and Jackie wrote the book. Research JFK during the mid 1950's.

Player #9495659
Player #3813778, He wrote it at Hyannis Port, while recovering.

Player #9495659
Debs1016, Doubtful. JFK AND RFK were both progressive towards different races and helping the poor. They both were supporters of Martin Luther King Jr. JFK was against the wall, that East Germany erected in 1960. He went to Germany and during a speech, he said in German, tear down this wall. JFK was Irish and grew up on stories from his maternal grandfather about his family immigrating from Ireland and how they were treated. I just don't see the Kennedy's ever being conservative. To this day, there are Kennedy Senators and they are liberal.

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