Which of these nuclear power plants has NOT suffered a serious accident?
Correct answer: Columbia Generating Station

it's still the most sustainable cleanest form of energy we have if done properly. we've learned a lot from past mistakes .

Still do not understand why nuclear power generation is not a priority publicly accepted energy generation form. Regardless of public opinion it is safe. More miners die in China every year from mining than people die from radiation poisoning. The storage of waste material is equally, erroneously, is regarded as unsafe. Bury it deep in stable rock and it is just fine! The UK is busy building reactors while Germany is decommissioning them. Who is right?

except for wind which won't kill 1000's or pollute the people, the water or our food.

Player #54621155,
that's easy! too much money is being made by oil companies and the politicians who all own hundreds of billions of dollars in their stock.

Dickens, Nan, except it kills thousands of birds

nan, Until there's no wind. What then? Solar? Well that's just great until the Sun goes down.
You know, when we most need light and heating. Spot the braincell!

nan, except it kills thousands of birds

Player #120374466
TestyAlien3443, Wind power is not efficient or sustainable for large populations and running our infrastructure. Environmentally, they cause more harm than good.

nan, except for ocean-based wind which disrupts whales. And wind and solar currently can be only supplemental, otherwise blackouts during high demand.

Player #62752956
If the same person tells you man-made climate change is an existential threat but we should avoid nuclear power because it’s dangerous, you know you are dealing with someone that doesn’t live in the real world.

Ken, Not really learned much. Still very dangerous.

If they can get nuclear fusion right, that's the best. Far less radioactive wastes than the fission reactors they have now.

nan, Used to be the oil companies, now it’s China and the battery companies that are making all the politicians rich. Pretty soon everything will be battery powered with nothing to charge them!