Which species of hummingbird only breeds in eastern North America?
Correct answer: Ruby throated hummingbird

We see the ruby throated hummingbirds at our feeder, in southern Michigan, every year.

flowercat0523, Hard to believe those tiny birds can fly that far non-stop! I love mine:]

I'm in Oregon. They are outside my kitchen window all the time.

I don’t like the way that question was worded. Only breeds in eastern North America. They breed here in western North America as well.

Player #2777034
This question is worded wrong. They breed in the NW US as well. They may be the only hummingbird to breed in the NE US, but that is not the only place they breed.

I totally guessed right lol. I have a bunch of hummingbirds that come around and they LOVE my Fushia plant flowers and my Morning Glorys

I used to spend my summers at my family's lake house in the upstate New York Adirondacks growing up. Those ruby throated hummingbirds would congregate around our deck garden flapping 90 MPH & flying backwards. I was always fascinated by them.

Player #19472386
A beautiful creature of God that is very entertaining.

they breed all across north America

I dunno. Those cute, sweet little critters live & breed all over & where ever they take a mind to - north, south, east & west. They travel where their mind takes them. I'm just thankful we have the miracle of Nature that allows us the chance to see & appreciate them. Thanks Lord.

Player #117248728, not all hummingbirds are ruby throated hummingbirds

Player #24632586, although you might see hummingbirds in California, you will only find ruby throated hummingbirds east of the Mississippi river

Player #2777034, you will NOT find RUBY THROATED HUMMINGBIRDS west of the Mississippi river

Karebare, you're very wrong..... although hummingbirds can be found throughout north America, ruby throated hummingbirds can only be found east of the Mississippi river

Vulcan20mil, you're wrong.... although you can find hummingbirds across north America, ruby throated hummingbirds can only be found east of the Mississippi river

They've visited the hummingbird feeded here in the Twin Cities, Mn. too!

flowercat0523, same here in Ohio

Love hummingbirds!

Player #117248728
Player #24632586, I'm also in Northern California and their nests are the only ones I've seen. I don't think they breed on the east coast, then fly across the country to lay the eggs.

Player #28068051
This answer us incorrect, they regularly nest and breed in WI

most of you folks that think they see Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds in the western US, you are mistaken. There are many different species of Hummingbirds in the west but not Ruby-Throated. Look it up in a Bird Guide

For real, there are SO MANY hummingbird questions!
Take a count as you keep answering questions lol

flowercat0523, I see them in Texas, also .

my mother had a ruby throated hummingbird nest in her forsythia bush many years ago! she lived in western Washington at the time!

not true! they breed and nest here in Oregon

Player JD
flowercat0523, where and when do the other humming birds breed?

Sacramento,California is also home in the winter

I love hummingbirds

Player #33031324
impressive for such small, fragile bird.

I saw a ruby throat just yesterday. In Nevada

I live in Washington state and we have ruby throated hummingbirds here. False information.

My hummers return to my feeders the same time every year

They are in Missouri too!

Player #24632586
I live in Northern California and the ruby throated is the most common here. I’m sure they don’t fly all the way to the east coast to breed !

Karebare, Yes. In az. we get several species coming from Mexico. Cardinals are beautiful from mex. They love the feeders here. Thousand times a min. they float wings

MassiveTroglodyte705, pure speculation here:the may draft and or use winds and pressure gradients like gliders.

Player Dev
MassiveTroglodyte705, who could imagine that those tiny birds could fly that far non-stop? It must take a tremendous amount of energy!

Player #20412857
BroodingKiwi74553, if they are found in Oregon how can that be called Eastern North America?

Karebare, I've never seen them breed, but I know they're here in the southwest.