The anti-anxiety drug alprazolam is known by which trade name?
Correct answer: Xanax

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Globular Martian, For some of us, we have no choice but to take medications/"drugs" to live, to try & function. No amount of Meditation &/or Yoga helps us; we have exhausted every other avenue possible. For some of us, unfortunately, "drugs" are the answer & with that comes a stigma that we have to endure from others.

I use this controlled substance drug for anxiety and it truly has helped me. if properly used it is wonderful for patients.

Anxiety is terrible, not just general worrying, real anxiety is totally disabling which I think most people don't realise

I use this medication per doctors orders for years. Eventually, it started having the absolute opposite effect causing crippling anxiety. It can be a very helpful drug but if you start taking it plan on only short term use.

Tremain White
Xanax does cause intense physical dependence after continuous monthly usage. Be sure you're suffering the kind of problems others would hardly believe, if you must partake...

Ann Martha
wouldn't know these names not familiar in UK but I have lorazapam for muscle spasms but can be taken for anxiety same family I think

DONNA, I'm the same way. This med is the only thing that calms my mind & racing thoughts so I may sleep a couple of hours at night.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
J, No, this is not just a USA quiz. Anyone can submit Q/A/Es.

Surely the question, according to the answer, should say which brand name in USA. It has different brand names in other countries.

Tremain White, I was having prob and asked my doctor what was going on. he said no drugs just figure out the prob and solve it. he was right. but many need the meds for chemical imbalances. for those yes it definitely helps quality of life. for those of us who really don't want to face prob its best to find solutions
yes it works as life is hard but there are solutions you can live with.

I used to take cipralex for anxiety and depression. is this just a USA quiz?

Danny G
DONNA, same here! 👍

Funny! I have used it, never abused it, never addicted to it, have stopped using it without a single problem, never a single side's like WTH, what are they talking about???

i'm just a child