Who did Princess Diana of England give the nickname "The Rottweiler"?

Correct answer: Camilla Parker Bowles

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What people think about it: 37 Comments
Tina M.
Tina M.
I think it's so sad that Princess Diana was so hurt with the affair that happened so publicly. She was such a wonderful woman.
Camilla is the reason "King" Charles has a strained and complicated relationship with his sons. Especially Harry. Not interested that much in his coronation. Different story if Diana was going to be his consort. now he has dogface..
Player #92723922
Player #92723922
The awful irony of this story is that, after QE 2 started that whole mess by refusing to let Charles marry the woman he really wanted because she was divorced, now the new king and queen are both divorced. And on the road to his coronation, spineless Charles managed to destroy his marriage, his relationship with his children and a good deal of the respect the Brits had for their monarchy.
Karen 7
Karen 7
Diana was a wonderful mother. And if she would of lived she would of remarried. I felt she married to young. And if she were still alive I thing she would feel differently about Charles and Camilla. She would of made a great Grandmother.
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
Seems this was an arranged marriage. Charles parents were wrong to put this poor girl in such a troubled situation.
Diana was the bomb an may she rest in peace.
Player #35382456
Player #35382456
Tina M., Camilla the camel face.
Princess Diana was every person's princess at the time after she gotten married to Prince Charles at the time. she was a beloved princess of all time.
If we lived in a fairy-tale world, William would be King, Diana would (somehow) be Queen Mum, and Charles, Prince of Wales, would be exiled to his castle in Scotland with his horse-faced woman.
Princess Diana would had been Queen if they were still married and yes Camilla is the cause of their divorce and the reason of the rift between Prince William and Prince Harry
Andi, But God will have the last say on that matter!! Princess Diana was such a Fine Lady and helped All kinds of people in so many ways. She deserved better than the likes of him. And certainly a Better Life! I'm hoping and praying that she's in God's memory and that He'll resurrect her in the New order-paradise. She was taken from us All Way too soon!! RIP, dear Princess Diana. This life isn't All there is! :)
CurlyQGirly56, Do u know that Charles was a womanizer, but he made Princess Diana go through several physical exams before they were married Proving to His highness that she was in fact. a Virgin?? These tests were painful. And nobody made him go through these Ridiculous tests!! No, no!! Everybody Knew what kinda man he was!! Also, I think He's Responsible for her death!! Why? Because she was making The Royal Family look bad!! So, he paid to have her and her lover killed, see. Problem solved. in his eyes! Now he could have Camilla. Although, who would want her? So, theoretically he got by with murder!!
Player #35382456, The bottom line is she's an adulteress. And will be judged as such by God. I know, I wouldn't want to be in her shoes!! Rich or not!! :(
Bernsoi, I will never view that moose looking hag Camilla as a queen😂.I will never forget the sad funeral procession at Diana's funeral. So so sad!!! I felt for Harry and William showing calm and composure so valiantly. I am sure that scoundrel Camilla was waiting with baited breath to get her teeth into Charles!!! BTW, they deserve each other. Both are ugly and unattractive!!! Diana was too beautiful for Charles anyway!!!
She is not the queen, she is Queen Consort. Before she died, Queen Elizabeth decreed that CPB should be named in this manner. Charles decided disobey his mother.
Player Say what!?, and was he? such hypocrisy
And yet the awful woman was made queen, what an insult, especially when queen Elizabeth's husband the duke was not allowed to be called king!
Player #120374466, where was Diana's parents?..A marriage of convince only...they both knew it...how hard for both to live such a lue
team edward cullen
team edward cullen
I loved princess diana
Hunger Knowledge
Hunger Knowledge
Princess Diana was speaking of jealousy. King Charles 🤴 ❤️ desire was Camilla. I 🤔 Diana was a trophy wife & Charles was told to wedd Diana
Princess Diana is much loved by everybody
Lucie Freya
Lucie Freya
Boxerdog4me, don't insult horses
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Player Say what!?
Goss, Because Royal protocol required him to marry a virgin. Camilla obviously did not qualify.
What an insult to rottweiler's or any other dog breed 🤣
Player Say what!?, if they were soooo much in love why did she not hang around then instead of up and marrying someone else. And yes, they both are to blame for the ruination of both their marriages
Jackie, she could have waited while he finished his education and Royal duties but instead she chose to marry someone else.
Calling camilla a Rottweiller is an insult to a beautiful breed of dog. Camilla and back of bus springs to my mind.
everything about their situation is wrong. especially for Diana's two kids. to see the woman that basically broke up their family, and to now be the queen consort it's JUST WRONG . imagine what could have happened if Camilla hadn't been there at all .kwm
Jackie, supposedly he proposed to her and she turned him down because she didn't want to be Queen...
Boxerdog4me, and she's married to someone I've always known as Jug Ears
Player #92723922, can I like your reply more than once please? Republic anyone?
Giggle pig, then why take the time to respond?
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Player Say what!?
Foster, you are correct. They were in love before Charles even met Diana. Most are blaming Camilla for the demise of his and Diana marriage. It takes two to cheat, and the real scoundrel is the monarchy and their stodgy ways. BTW, are there actually young teens playing this game with the inane name calling?
If the "Firm" had allowed Charles to marry his true love Camilla (like it or not) Diana Spencer would have been left to live her own LIFE and would be alive today.
Giggle pig
Giggle pig
The only thing that I can think of that matters less in the world than the royal family and how they’re doing is college basketball.
Boxerdog4me, He's no prize either.
Player #92723922, don’t forget that when Charles first started dating Camilla she wasn’t married….even more of a tragedy that they didn’t wed then