Who is the only US President to receive a Purple Heart?
Correct answer: John F. Kennedy

too bad he didnt last,it wouldve been interesting to see how he wouldve run this country....

Player #15121014
Can you imagine a world where JFK, RFK, & MLK had lived? How different would the world be today?

Player #1111308
l think he was one of the best presidents we have had. ripπβ€οΈπππ

Player #15121014
1 of RFK's favorite quotes said: some men see things as they are & ask why, I dream things that never were & ask why not.

Player #15121014
Player #5555, Now more than ever, because our country is in a condition JFK, could never have imagined. I see it and can't believe it.

I saw a movie about his heroics while serving. I believe it's PT -109. He saved some of his men after they were stranded from the collision.

Player JZ-3
Purple Heart is for all of our servicemen and women. Those in the army are "soldiers." Marines are "Marines." Those in the Air Force are "airmen" and those in the Navy are "sailors."

Player Gigi #28446253
My uncle was a fighter pilot in WW2 and came back with serious back injuries. I remember my grandmother saying many times that he should have received the Purple Heart π

Player Gigi #28446253
Player #1111308, a lot of people agree with you. Too bad we lost him so soon.

Player Darius
FoolhardyExpert34868, and you know this how?

Hence the chronic back problems Tanya, that plagued him all his life...

I was surprised because I thought President Washington and Lincoln were the best presidents.

Tanya, He suffered with back pain resulting from saving his fellow seamen after the crash and sinking of the pt-109.

Mars V
Player #13023389, his autobiography written by Jackie, it says

Jackson 5
Player #58092313, unfortunately he ignored the Cubans, therefore the Castro's family positioned as dictators 😭

Player #13023389, We are all human and no sin is worth more or less.

Player #58092313, Why don't you look up what JFK did? One thing about it; history never changes...

Player #15121014, That was JFK who said that, not RFK.

sjohnson, all four served in the military.

Player #58092313
Player #1111308,
I'm not being mean but I still don't know what good things happened when JFK was president. I remember him as a womanizer who almost got us onto war with Cuba over the Bay of Pigs.

I've always wondered how 1 person could have caused the injury that was supposedly and entrance wound. ( It was clearly an exit wound) For a great read, " who killed JFK, the case against LBJ"!!

He deserved it an than some for his presendentcie also. May he rest in peace. π

Player #18390045
I think he was a well loved President and Good president , and yes if he had not been assigning att

Player JZ-3, My dad was in the US Navy, as a naval aviator, never was he called a sailor.

Barely survived, but really was great. Johnson continued the Civil Rights focus.

MALICE, and rfk after

Player #13023389
I read his autobiography written by Jackie. He was a man with many problems. Debby

: Dude1159 :
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Player #5100533
AZWILDCATLUTE, Kennedy was also a DemocRAT. But, he was far from being what Socialist DemocRATs have become.

FunkyMonkey, boy!!! ain't that sayin' a mouthful!!!