In which country is the Saola endemic to?
Correct answer: Vietnam and Laos

Unreal Neil.
Vietnam & Laos are 2 countries, NOT one...

Thanks to this awesome game ,I will now learn about this animal the Saola mammal.

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
Susan, it says bovine so cow

I believe we saw a small herd(10-14) of these in1975 while flying over that area in a helicopter, the pilot noticed movement below but it was these and not buffalos as they were huge compared to what we saw only2 minutes but I think the picture is what we saw!

User X
and they always respect and do not cross the border to neighboring Cambodia, of course ...

kinda looks like a horse crossed with .. I'm not sure but it said bovine so cow

stan the man
How does the meat taste? Just joking😄

Ancient Alien
Last sighting was 2013 according to Google.

amazing app

sensei., i think they are endangered

Unreal Neil., yes they are not one

Are there many more or are they endagered?

What is its closest relative? Horse? Deer?