What dog breed is this?
Correct answer: Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkies are wonderful - affectionate and charming.

mam raised them when i was young And we lived in los angeles area. their names were Houdini,and Rinna,my aunt had one of their daughters named Amber... so pretty. i used to brush their long silky coats with my cowgirl barbie hair brush cuz it was a tiny brush. they were so sweet, never ever tried to bite or hurt me or my two brothers.

My parents had a Yorkie who would show his teeth (nicely) when asked to smile. Very cute!!

Montana Lady
janey, after 18 years with an Afghan Hound in full coat, I think Yorkies look like a breeze to groom!
(Affies have a similar coat but are retriever sized.)

Player #8881718
I thought Yorkies were calm and placid. Surprise. My two are so energetic and playfull. They chase and try to catch every moving thing in the yard. And they adore people. Their tails are always wagging. Love them so much. A dog becomes what the owner makes him. Like children they need rules , love and attention.

I had one gorgeous protective little dog

lostiaz, all terriers are yappy

RedSeaDiver69, you clearly haven't gad the privilege of owning a yorkie I've had my handsome Hamish since a puppy he's almost 3 and I love him to bits he's clever obedient guard dog and he gets on great with Tess my Rottweiler they play together a six stone dog and a 9 pound one

They are very bright dogs, with lots of character and spirit.

Player #27328253
Hugh, agree, my Scooby doo is so entertaining, just love to go for a drive and the wind in face. obedience, intelligence, adorable. love him to bits. quite a change from the miniature Doberman. just as adorable, but very cheeky. however I forbid anyone to tease them.

Player #96890951
Brenda, Also could be classed as SQUIB <= Little & NOISY !
Another apt term for the Yorkie - FEARLESS !!
Because SIZE doesn't PHAZE Them !

Mel Hudd
That dog looks like a Karen

Player #82472393
Brenda, I think that was a silky terrier not Yorkie. I had a Yorkie now I have a silky

They are pretty, not a good choice if around young kids all the time, they are so small the toddlers dont watch out for them,, their lil 7 lbs is too small for a active toddler that is learning how to walk and falls on the little 7lb fragile doggie, I have never gotten over this so I highly recommend no kids any age around yorkies

I’ve got a yorkshire ♥️

Lady of the Lake
Gary_Melbourne, the dogs aren't really the problem, their owners are!

kelo wren, in the books Toto was a Yorkie. but in the movie Toto was a Cairn Terrier

I hate this fake dog

jojo siwa
have 1 yorkie and a white Australian

I’ve shared my life with two Yorkers. They are absolutely the best! Miss both of them immensely.

I've a very cute pic of Yorkshire Terrier... Really, they are veryyyy cute..

lea ur fav4 ever
Shaddy1997, not nice yo!bad

lea ur fav4 ever
I love dogs so much .I now almost all breed of dogs

Player #18292198
I have two! They are beautiful, very smart, gentle loving dogs.

Player #9398981, no not at all

Player #1947877, my second granddaughter -

Player #9398981, no, they're mostly tan...you're probably thinking of pomeranians, and even some of those are black.

they are so cute and energetic.

Player Elf Counsel
Brenda, The only dog who's ever bitten me was a Yorkie.

Player #3833664
Terrible pic Looks fotoshopped

Can be a bit yappy or maybe that was the owners fault.

Love Pomeranians, Pekingeses, and Pugs!

I know dogs!