What does ASPCA stand for?
Correct answer: American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

I volunteer at my local animal shelter in my spare time!

thats so true they help animals that is being abused i thank god there are shelters out there across the whole country i love animals they are human as well and all they want is to be loved

Player #539696
i like animals a lot i usually deliver food to them when i have thd money to do it

I support the ASPCA every month. They do amazing work

jen880, animals are not really humans but they definitely should not be mistreated.

I really love animals

Player #8539484
SparkyChaz2018, we need to get rid of the kill shelters as at any age the animals are loyal. better than humans I say.

Player #2282980
Be A Monthly Donor

Player #9811739
Just FYI, in rural areas of the SE US, the national ASPCA and national HSUS do NOTHING to help local shelters or rescues. If you want to help animals, donate time or rescorces to local shelters or rescues.

I do not recommend donating to ASPCA. Their CEO makes over $600,000 a year on donated funds. I would rather buy cat and dog food for animal shelters and know my money is going to a good cause instead of paying for high salaries.

marimargo, The ASPCA is not a big corporation. It is a nonprofit organization, a very deceptive and greedy one, populated by highly overpaid people who have hit the jackpot at their jobs. Those weepy, highly emotional ads are very effective at manipulating vulnerable people to send money to New York City that is desperately needed by home town shelters. The ASPCA does NOT give some of their donations to other SPCAs. They keep it all. It's shameless, bald-faced theft--the richest shelter in the US happily taking money from shelters that desperately need it.

Always research any organization you plan to donate to! You will be surprised what you find

It’s truly amazing that it’s been around that long 1866 really fantastic. I love it and I love animals. Thank you for what y’all do.

People here advertise dogs that need help. Who wouldn’t give money to help a little fur baby? We have a few animal shelters here.

Scruff.Diddles, I would love to be a volunteer but I have too much empathy I love animals I have no children so all my efforts go towards the animals

CJ, I why did you move

Scruff.Diddles, This is one of the many things I would love to do!

ASPCA kills more animals than they save. Google the stats- you can also see how much the ceo makes. it's a scam.

jen880, I love animals as well. They have feelings, too.

undoubtedly animals are better than people, always fostered dogs and I've had both dogs and cats over the years even bunnies which are really fun to have they use a litter box just like cats. always contribute to your shelters and the ASPCA.

Ellie, the Humane Society doesn't always save animals. A lot of those places put many precious animals down 😭. They should be renamed Inhumane Society

gamehappy0728, my cat cries when she doesn’t get to read the bible before breakfast

Player #8539484, most definitely far better then humans!!!

I have never adopted an animal from the shelter but I love having them around.

Player Quitos
Strange. No one said, "Be kind to animals, don't eat them".

You would do more good donating your time, money and supplies to your local shelters rather than the ASPCA or HSUS. The national organizations spend more money paying their executives and advertising than they spend on actually helping animals.

I still don't know why these shelters kill animals. first they heal them then they euthanize. them. I love animals too including snakes and lizards. theyare gods creatures and we need to.protect them.i getfuriouswhen I see the ads on TV
and I do support the aspca.

Zakiyyah Ameerah Mateen
I love animals very much and I am proud of the work that the ASPCA is doing .

Player #59451448
I love animals. specially black cats. I have three two black cats one is Lucy. the other Mr. kitty. and a stripped gray cat name Jack. but Lucy us our baby girl. me and my husband just love her. as we do the other two cats.

Ruby, I agree

I only buy cruelty free cosmetics etc. Never a need to test anything on animals!!

Donating to all worthy causes is a blessing for anyone that can afford it. If you can't afford to donate money, please donate your time, your efforts will be well rewarded someday. Children and animals have no voice; therefore do not hesitate to turn someone in to the authorities that is abusing either one.

Player #34470240
It auto hit button

Player #47499628
The ASPCA operates out of New York. They just make you think they are nation wide. Your local animal shelters and rescues are independent. Your donations are much better put to use at a smaller volunteer organization.

protect the cats in Africa lol

Player #49699453

Player #39947347
I support many organizations that help animals. People also need to know about labs that use animals for testing.....all it is, us tax payer funded torture of animals with animal serial killers in lab coats. 96% of the all tests done yield no useful results to people. I hope a few folks will investigate and call their congressman.

jen880, all animals are not human, but humans are animals.

Player #37725711
ASPCA and SPCA are different. Please research the difference between them.

Guillermo Jr.
my charity budget goes exclusively to animals, sick children and military/veterans