Who is this?
Correct answer: Richard Widmark

Player #741530
Richard Widmark was one of my favorite character actors. I thought that was as good as Kirk Douglas and other well known actors during that era....He played the villain superbly.

Player #741530
Richard Widmark was one of my favorite actors....he pkayed the guy superbly.

He was one of my mom's favorite actors. We have a number of his films on tape. She recently watched The Way West which also had Robert Mitchum, Kirk Douglas, and a young Sally Field.

One of my favorite actors.

constantgamer0421, I agree with you on the Paul Bettany thing.

Player #66817220
My favorite movie of his was "Panic in the Streets".

Player Gigi #28446253
Hit the wrong button!

Player #4209348Roths
craftmaker758899, as Jim Bowie.

The actor Paul Bettany kinda looks like him, I think.