Who is this?
Correct answer: Steve McQueen

i loved Steve Mcqueen. i miss him and his movies. i remember my mom and grandma just crying when he died. i was thirteen and remember him alot. R.I.P. to the king of cool forever.

I thought his role as a bounty hunter in "Wanted Dead Or Alive" would surely be mentioned here. He was pretty darn cool in that old TV show to.

Player Bill W.
He was great in The Magnificent Seven

I loved Steve in "The Blob". When they put Steve together
with Paul Newman in "The Towering Inferno", it was the best
duo on-screen ever.

Myoshi 9
Steve was one of a kind. I loved him in The Great Escape.

RIP Steve McQueen you are #1 of my favorite male actors. I thought your acting in, "Love With the Proper Stranger" was so honest. You had an honesty and "no-nonsense" approach and expression of acting 💝

Mardell Riley
I had a crush on him and felt embaressed that someone would notice.

Player #16292677
I love Steve McQueen. I was delighted to read that he died a born again Christian. When he was dying, he asked if Billy Graham would visit him. Rev. Graham prayed with him and gave him his personal Bible. I thought some others would like to know this.

Love this guy! Loved "Bullet." He is the very definition of cool.

I never saw him give a bad performance.

Superzippy1, His Grandson was on Chicago Fire for a season or 2.

Bjach, another film worth mentioning is The Great escape woohoo

Myoshi 9, My fav too!

Cat Mom
Player Tystyx, really? Wow!

Cat Mom
Player #16292677, yes, that is wonderful news, thank you!

Ms Lady Kayd
Player #16292677, WOW, that's wonderful to know that fact about him. I loved all of

Player #16292677, I'm glad to know that, that is awesome, thank God.

Teslasgirl66, best freaking chase scene ever, even though the mustang had wide tires, that looked like radials, the charger was heavier, and had those skinny, useless bias ply tires, otherwise it may have held its own better, either way the good guy won!

HarleyMidgeyMom95., I was only 11 when he died, but remember the movie's! he was one of the greats, like Eastwood, who amazingly is still around, and Chuck Norris, they just don't compare these days!

Sadly, he bought into all the quack cancer treatments, including vitamins, coffee enemas, and laetril. His "treatment" in Mexico was with laetril, made from apricot pits.

When I was in high school I had a boyfriend named Steve McQueen. He was very nice.

Dayrell, Both very talented, smart, and good looking.

Player #16292677, Now that is awesome!!! He made the right choice. God bless everyone.

just the coolest guy who ever lived,besides James Dean.. .

Alex Alex Alxi
And you forgot to mention that he was a hero in the very famous movie the great escape!

He was born in suburb of Indianapolis, Indiana I n Beech Grove. Hub of New York Central railroad system/still shop area.

Steve McQueen was my favorite actor in Right up there with Sean Connery loved him in The Cincinnati Kid, as well as the The Great Escape

Player #76647850
Steve McQueen was a real man who was a man who had a lot of action

Player #34909277
Dustin, heavy smoker

did the song Star Star come to mind for anyone?

Player #21508628, yeah he spent a lot of time in the "cooler"...

The Great Escape. 'Nuff said...

Player #47009769
yummy 😋

Player #37168640
passed to young RIP pal

I just watched bullitt for the first time a week ago. I would have never known who Steve McQueen was since I am a younger person. the movie was really good and I really liked Steve in it.

Player #33462253
Best actor for Wanted dead or alive...your biggest fan cuties!

Play grananny
Myoshi 9, Me too. papillon tho, was his best.

Play grananny
Player Bill W., Yul Brynner hated working with McQueen, considered him a scene stealer.

Player #19099465
I read that he was so upset that Paul Newman had more lines than him in the towering inferno that he made them. give him the exact same amount .

Player #31530966
The Great Escape was one of his best movies. incredible actor