What city in the United States has the largest population?

Correct answer: New York, New York

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
You both have a point, but there's so much to do and so much to see and there are incredible restaurants! I love visiting, but am glad to go home!
Player #6852065
Player #6852065
Never been there. Don't plan on ever going. Been to N.Y. state but not the city.
Player #34352833
Player #34352833
Native New Yorker. I love NY
Player #22681668
Player #22681668
Don’t even like to go over there for visiting
Player #40849359
Player #40849359
No place like it. Everyone should visit once.
Lady Wolf Moon
Lady Wolf Moon
Update on the population. It’s now 8.8 million. I’ve lived here all of my life. The greatest most cultural city in the world.
Player #92723922
Player #92723922
Happy New Yorker! I love my city and am glad to share it with you!
An Awesome city to visit, I could never live there.
Player #40849359, one is enough. Not worth a second visit
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
I live Here and I hate it! This is a place to visit but Not live in. It is getting ever more expensive. It Takes too Long to get to Work and The Subways are packed. Sometimes it is Not even possible to get in.