What is the name of the cloud that touches the ground?
Correct answer: Fog

I didn't know that fog is considered a cloud?

toothless beachrat
not a fan of driving in thick fog, I'd rather drive during a rain storm.

Driving through heavy fog is like driving through soup.

Never knew that fog is considered a cloud

I lived in San Francisco for over 50 years and it was very foggy for the month of August because the San Fernando Valley was hot.

I've driven through fog so thick I couldn't see the hood of the car. I had to stick my head out the drivers side window to follow the white line on a curvy 2 lane road. very scary.

inside out fav
Hanora , I didnt know that too!😂

Hanora , me neither

bruh im wrong

noor ullah
Hanora , you have to know ok

Dr Physio
I love foggy weather. it's a romantic weather though 💕

Fog is not a type of cloud. It is what happened when other clouds touch the ground.