Which of the following trees is poisonous?
Correct answer: Yew
Great question. Thanks for the knowledge.
funny 😁 mainly seen in church ⛪️ s and graveyards
Dee1, actually there are 2 theories. As yew is a basic wood for long bows, but extremely poisonous for animals. it is placed
Player #25874027
There’s e yew which is one of the oldest living things on the planet . But it’s not the tree , it’s the root system , which I think is about 9000 years old.
Popplewick , Actually most parts of the yew are toxic.
momo, poison oak is not a tree
Player #121872670
Bob;” I figured out what killed grandma!”
Susan: “Yew wood!”
very misleading, poison oak is like an extreme version of poison ivy
Player #48809092
bruh im gonna dip out see ya!
the only poisonous bit is the black hard seed inside the red berry