What is ball lightning?
Correct answer: Natural phenomenon

I saw it just once 60 years ago. The ball flew low and parallel to the earth. Very close to me. Difficult to say how large probably half a metre to a metre across. Never saw another one ,ever.

Clive, I also saw one, but mine came straight down and exploded with a flash so bright I was almost blinded. The sound was deafening!

How come when I used "natural phenomenon" as the answer for a chem or physics test never worked for me in college?

clivo, as sarcastic as I can be, witnessing a natural phenomenon must've been amazing!

I've seen it. My 2 sits and I were watching TV one stormy afternoon and it floated out of our TV, floated across the room and then out the patio door. Made our hair staticy.

Does this occur anywhere in particular?

Very interesting! Would love to know more.

That would be one of those once in a lifetime event for sure.

I've never seen it; but I wonder how many times this phenomenon has been mistaken for a UFO!?

I've never watched something like that

cats an me
cats an me, it made a static sound

cats an me
cats an me, seen it ,it was aball of lighting cane through our bed room window
bounced on ceiling,thenwent throughbedroom door...

cats an me
clivo, It happened at our house back in the early ,80,

I saw one whilst at school during lessons. Quite frightening for all. I recall the sky went black then followed by a a low rumble

People have been getting some incredible videos of Ball Lightning from around the world. Look for them on the net.

I thought it's Sonic the Hedgehog..

BIG Fish
If it is unexplainable and nothing is known about it then, how could the answer be " natural phenomena" ?

never seen ball lightning for sure

jenna , I live in England and have never heard of this thing