Who was Marcel Marceau ?
Correct answer: A famous French mime artist

he also, apparently, had the only spoken word in the 1976 Mel Brooks film, Silent Movie.

Pimpao +
Genius inspired by another Genius

France didn't really "enter the war" they didn't have much of a choice.

Never knew he was Jewish or his work in WW2. Great information.

So I only got this right because of Friends. Chandler makes a comment about Joey doing his Marcel Marceau impression when he was giving him the silent treatment.

l saw him on stage a million years ago in Indiana amazing

DougSkullery, indeed he did. It was "No."

NanaQueenB6 great ga
wow these question are so interestingto

Can Man
I was fortunate enough to take in his artistry when performing in Detroit, Michigan, USA

Saint Nine
DougSkullery, that's true. He spoke one word, "Non". I went to see him at Sadlers Wells theatre in London in 1981. Amazing show.

DougSkullery, what was the word?

can you remove the cover from the pictures so they can be viewed

During WW2 he and his brother joined the French Resistance and were responsible for saving many Jewish orphans from the Nazis by smuggling them across the alps into the safety of Switzerland 🇨🇭 💖

Old Fool
snajr, probably correct that France would, eventually, have had to fight against Germany.
However, the war started when Germany attacked Poland in September 1939, both France and Britain declared war, by ultimatum, at this time.
Germany attacked Belgium and the Netherlands in May 1940, in order to outflank France's Maginot Line defences, and Britain and France joined the fighting then.
So France entered the war, and started fighting, before Germany attacked France, but with very good reason.

DougSkullery, NO! ...I mean, yes. He said 'NO!', although it was probably dubbed...

DistinctiveThanks6, how do you know that?

Quiz Queen
JustBreath, I only got it right from an I love Lucy episode

JustBreath, uhuh

DougSkullery, ironic.