What are the names of the Cracker Jack snack food mascots?
Correct answer: Sailor Jack and Bingo

Player #155358
grandmax49456, disappointing that now they aren't toys in the boxes. They put some internet code for virtual baseball....lame.

As a kid, bought them only for the prizes

Princess 'M'
grandmax49456, I did that too! Never could wait for that prize to "fall out" of the box. I just went in for it first. Good times...

I used to love Cracker Jacks and especially the prize inside. I doubt the kids these days would appreciate them because they don't have apps! Just my opinion

yeah but back in the day the prizes were better.you'd think it would be the other way around!

grandmax49456, I loved the prizes too and the peanuts.

Player #164847, It is American (as am I) and is a really delicious treat,

Player #155358, yikes no prize? So the song is now **candy-coated popcorn, peanuts, and a coupon?** just doesn't have the same zip.

grandmax49456, yea, back then, they had REAL prizes you could actually play with!!!

Player #1493585brain
The coolest prize ever were the lincence Pilates that'd come in the Honey comb cereal boxes. Us kid's ( my sister and I) would put them on our bicycles.

Player #155358, I know what you mean.. they need to bring back the toys. .

Angela , I like it!

kind of sad story. a box of fun and anticipation growing up!!

chia chia
I'm only 14 and I wish we would have stuff like this we only have video games 😭

Elizabethbegley, I loved those!

Player #155358, Thanks for this gem. It takes alot of the temptation away from me. As a diabetic, I shouldn't be eating this, but it was a childhood fav of mine. Now I know I can resist it. The surprise was half the fun.

Player #155358, but the thing is, cracker Jack's taste really good, and you get a sticker.

and i dont like how they aren't toys anymore

My dad got me to buy them and I still want to get more

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Matthew , We did.

Plutogrrl, true some changes shouldn't change

Player One, now that would be great and be a costume winner

Guillermo, fiddle fiddle is also yummy, all together carmel popcorn is so yumalious.I don't think yumalious is an actual word, but I think it is cool.

Ariana Wilson, I didn't either.

Edward, that would be really cool to see

BIG DOG, Yeah, liked how he included the dog. I didn't know the names even though I loved getting them for my children and I.

Player #1493585brain, that is very cool and now things are lame

SQinfoNUTS, sure doesn't

GrandmaTanya, I agree!

Player #155358, I love Cracker Jack's. That is an interesting story and also a sad one. I also think they should of kept little surprises in it. Makes it exciting and delicious.

Player #118103951
I figured the Sailor Jack answer was the one since the boy is wearing a sailor suit.

Player #89643615
I also liked the Cracker Jack

never had them but I hear some people got their drivers license out of a cracker jack box.

this game is so great for the kids and grandparents 😄

1 of my childhood favorite snacks.... Ahh, good memories

a staple of my youth! I remember always getting tattoos as prizes.

Player #1493585brain, I have all of them from every state! I actually got them off eBay but I wanted them because they were so cool!

Jimi, Lol, same!

Pansypearl Hood
they said I was wrong too*

Ariana Wilson
Wow, I didn't even know the mascots had names. You learn something new every day.