How many people have died while climbing Mount Everest?

Correct answer: 300+

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What people think about it: 39 Comments
"You can't call it an adventure unless it's tinged with danger. The greatest danger in life, though, is not taking the adventure at all. To have the objective of a life of ease is death. I think we've all got to go after our own Everest." Brian Blessed
Player ninaraewln
Player ninaraewln
I can't believe anyone would want to climb it knowing how many people have died and never been recovered. It's just insane to me.
Dianna Bella74
Dianna Bella74
a d more have just recently died as they got over crowding climbing the mountain. people where dead on the ground while the others where in the death zone. running out of oxygen and not being properly trained will get you killed. Where's the glory in that.
Dianna Bella74
Dianna Bella74
damnpaterfamilias, I agree with your theory, but don't you think life in its self is adventurous, and dangerous enough without taking enormous risks with your life?? Plus the pain that it would cause loved ones if the person died doing it! If there was any possibility that something could kill me, and the exercise had already lost over 300 humans by now. I say your foolish to even put that much danger on yourself. That's not and adventure, that's tempting fate.
Maria ♡
Maria ♡
[bobbo16], Many Died in the Earth Quake a few Years ago, including Many Sherpas, A Very Sad Time For All of the Families, "Rest in Peace " " To All Those Who Died , then & Throughout the Years of Climbing Everest over the last Century & a Half", & my Thoughts are With their Families, Especially the Sherpas Families, as Often many others of their Family Also are Sherpas, to look after their Children & Wives, kind Regards to you All
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Can’t say I have been bitten by the bug to climb & dare say I never will lol!
Player #49575959
Player #49575959
Is only special when someone has climbed a mountain for the first time. Now it has no value, as so many do it. There is no honor when you let others die in front of you and all you care for is reaching that peak. There is no glory when hundreds of tons of trash is left behind, polluting what was once a magnificent mountain. Sad reality of selfish humans.
Not on my bucket list - I’m afraid of heights! I’ve been to the top of the Smoky Mountains in Gatlinburg, Tennessee by sky lift for dinner at the restaurant - when I was 10.
What's the point of climbing a mountain?
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Player #13522248, Have they added in the height of the pile of dead bodies and the piles of rubbish and faeces left by the climbers
damnpaterfamilias, well said!
little b
little b
I've not climbed mount Everest
they climb and die
damnpaterfamilias, I get my adrenalin fix elsewhere
Player ninaraewln, and morbid, people need "closure" if they lose someone!
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Dianna Bella74, If we were to die doing something we loved doing why would you call it, in your words, "foolish & put that much danger" on ourselves. Perhaps you would like to live that type of timid lifestyle & pass on doing nothing, but personally, if we died doing what we loved, at least we went happy. We tempt fate simply by existing, might as well be a little adventurous & experience & learn.
Mount Everest Has Claimed To Be The Highest Mountain Graveyard It's Not Very Safe To Climb Hikers Struggled To Reach To The Top Of Mount Everest
The name Everest is given by George Everest during Survey of India
Gloria Phillips
Gloria Phillips
reason I love Nigerians.We don't see death and still go close to it😂😂
l don't know that before
Maria ♡, 🙏
Player #87342334, Adventure is their life. I think so maybe that is why they still try to claim that mountain
Ella Girl
Ella Girl
I don't wanna climb the mount everest anymore
Mount Everest is in Pakistan❤️
I just know it's too many, that's why I chose to pick the highest number
Player #87342334
Player #87342334
I can’t believe anyone would want to put their life in danger for such an adventure!!!
check for rainbow valley in everest
just amazing more than 300+ right now I am climbing the mountain Everest.
The thought of climbing such a high mountain is scary. I hope to see it someday but I'm definitely not climbing.
when you enter the death zone you can also hallucinate of another person
John Rafael
John Rafael
thats a lot of people died wow
lou JW1914
lou JW1914
Dianna Bella74, i love you for this comment
Edmel Criz
Edmel Criz
When Died the Mt.Everest
it's an adventure so it's bound to be dangerous
damnpaterfamilias, cool slogan!
Before you reach the peak you will meet the ghost first.
Doug Middleton
Doug Middleton
nothing to do with this,but why do they put those 3 card monty ??? they have nothing to do with anything. the trunks and squares I mean
how many died due to yeti attacks?
some people are too adventrous, they want to be the first people or person to climb the freeziest mount in the world, too much of adventure is very bad😢