What are the tallest species of trees in the world?
Correct answer: Redwoods

There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to protect our environment. You guys call LoopyLynda a tree hugger as if that's a bad thing, but trees are nature's air filter. They scrub the carbon dioxide from the air and replace it with oxygen. Perhaps you prefer living on asphalt, breathing smog and car exhaust fumes, and drinking arsenic, uranium, and lead from mine tailings but most of us do not.

Yes and just think how beautiful they looked before we clear cut so many of them over 100 plus years . But look at the Amazon, by 2030 we will have destroyed over 50% of it by then!

I love the ones in Oregon and they are stunning, but the ones in California are huge!

We have one in our front yard! it is huge and beautiful. It probably is only a couple hundred years old... it was here when my husbands great grandpa built our house in 1850.

Trees are not just beautifully aesthetic but they are the lungs of the earth. One super duper PROUD tree lovin hugger right here!

Nutshell, all I know is that the world would be a better place with more tree hugging. I cant explain it...but the next time you see a big beautiful tree, HUG IT!

If trees gave off a WiFi signal instead of oxygen they would be better protected.

Canis Lupus
Nutshell, Tree Hugger and proud of it!

It is not allowed to cut them. I grew up there. It's all good, it's all protected. it's a beautiful wonderland!

Player #1238606
I grew up in a little town called Orick and lived within 7 miles of the " Tall Trees Grove"!

Nutshell, love the redwoods. Would love to hug one while saying a prayer and thinking of my family. Thanks

B, sorry had to direct my daughter to the home grown honey for cooking!

in Calafonia

LoopyLynda74, I want it to be preserved.

My mother's red horse is named Sequoia.

Player #92723922
The General Sherman redwood is the largest tree. The General Grant redwood tree is the 2nd largest.

There are Redwoods in Portugal.

sunny jewel
I saw the sequoia in California and learned that they only release the seeds from the cones when there's been a fire. The cones are small, about the size of a quarter.

What most people don't realize is that these trees take 100s years to grow back. Indeed through photosynthesis it converts carbon dioxide as oxygen. What is not well known is that the percentage of oxygen in the earth's atmosphere is the threshold to have human existence.
There have been many events throughout history which fluctuated the global temperatures, when large asteroids wiped out species, the ice age and volcano's erupt frequently and releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
It would make more sense to stop using military equipment and transport for wars which are doing more harm to our environment than all of the petrol/diesel cars put together. Electric vehicles are not long term as after the battery has run it's life how does that get disposed of. Hydrogen power is better.

RedSeaDiver69, Yes, there are three redwoods in Northern California that you can actually drive through.

Nutshell, need to inform the Globalists Bill Gates of that too. Because he said that there needs to more that 700,000 trees cut down and buried in landfills to remove carbon from depletion of the ozone.

Nutshell, Go get 'em!

Player #114802042
Gerald &Estie Anderson, by BIG or TALLL we here refer also to the hight as well as the thickness. Palm trees don’t grow that high or thick. Go and look at ons of these redwoods. You will stand in awe, breathless……

Nutshell, phytoplankton are the most carbon dioxide converter to oxygen that exist. The ocean must be preserved at all costs, not only the trees.

Player #110620146
What is the largest tree?

I love the sequoias in California General Sherman One stands dwarfed next to these beautiful huge giants It’s a humbling experience to see them in person What beauty they possess! Sad we lost so many acres to the California fires there! The air was so clear up there in 1984-I’m sure that’s not the case anymore-man has ruined the Earth Rev 11:18

RedSeaDiver69, Yellowstone National Forest and The Redwoods in Calif

higgy5491, best comment so far seriously

Nutshell, ,,I absolutely love 🌲 trees, people can call me a tree hugger, I don’t care, please, people, try to take care of the woods we have because we may lose too many and our world 🌎 will suffer from it,

LoopyLynda74, do you live in a house, do you use paper and pencil, do you use toilet paper?? you would not have the fore mentioned and much more without trees being cut down. there is still 1000's of redwoods to enjoy the beauty and oxygen they provide!!!

aloto59, one of my favorite

Canis Lupus, I am a real,absolutely, tree hugger. Love our trees, and woods, please, people, let’s take good care of our self and our trees. we can not live with out them,

Ohio State
I learned this in third grade

Player #33715478
Nutshell, Tree huggers cause the destruction of millions of acres of forest every year by not allowing the cutting of fire breaks. What possible sense does that make?

Player #1238606, I drive through Orick all the time (my sister works at Prairie Creek), such a quaint little town!

And, oh my!!! The smell of redwood forests' is just amazing!

Phil 'sum guy'
government in Canada recently increased tree planting in cities; way overdue .. Yeah for tree huggers !

meow meows
I currently live in Crescent City CA, I've seen them first hand...hard to imagine how huge and old they are!!!

Player #18595150, I also believe that they can share nutrients through their root systems...i.e. when one is in trouble, others will give it extra power to heal...

Player #47520708
Nutshell, without carbon they wouldn't be green.