Which of the following magazines is still being printed as of 2023?
Correct answer: Reader's Digest Magazine

toothless beachrat
I always liked the "laughter is the best medicine" section of Readers Digest.

Informative, entertaining and wholesome. Something for everyone. So glad it's still around.

Karen 7
Best magazine ever..

We had Reader's Digest in the house when I was a kid.

Player Say what!?
Just a few days ago, that magazine popped into my head and I wondered if it was still being published. So glad to learn it is. Loved Life in these United States and Drama in Real Life.

I've been a subscriber for years.

Field and Stream had some great cover artwork

Smokey 84
I can't believe the founder's last name is Wallace. My mom's maiden name was Wallace, and she is the reason I will always read Reader's Digest. 'Til she passed, she always gave me her copy. RIP

toothless beachrat, and Humor in Uniform. I was raised in the Air Force and we had a subscription to Readers Digest for as long as I can remember.

I thought they all were.

Smokey 84, My mother always mailed me her copies until she bought me a subscription. Great magazine.

toothless beachrat, Me too. Better to laugh, have fun…Life is too short. And never to old to learn…This game is good too.

I miss Field and Stream. Great outdoor magazine. Nice to find it in waiting rooms of doctor’s offices.

Life is still being printed

I've been reading Readers Digest since I was around ten years old, and I have subscribed to it all of my adult life. They changed the format twenty or so years ago, dumped the traditional cover and started putting some celebrity on each month's cover. It switched it's tone from conservative to quasi-liberal. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who hated it. They lost the celebrity covers and moved a tiny bit right, but nowhere near what it was in the 60s-80s.

Player Say what!?
The Mighty Beefeater, I had forgotten about the music sales! I think I have a couple CDs somewhere. Ooh, hope you see this and answer what happened to your nephews?!

The Mighty Beefeater
I still have my RD record collections bought via their famous 'prize draws' accompanied with a novel 'free gift'. Also, my two nephews were written about in an article concerning an Australian Marlin attack.

Be wise
Also TV Guide Magazine