On the original series of "Star Trek", who was third in command of the Starship Enterprise?
Correct answer: Montgomery "Scotty" Scott

Good question. Point of interest: his rank was Lieutenant Commander (Chief Engineer is a role, not a rank) hence third in command behind Mr. Spock, the Science Officer and First Officer whose rank was Commander. All taken from naval tradition.

Scotty was the best! You always had the impression that he wanted to strangle Krik from time to time.

little b, Star Trek, not Star Wars. Similar sounding but completely different.

Technically correct. However, Scotty seldom took control of the bridge. That was usually Sulu and even, on occasion, Uhura.

Love Star Trek ! It's a show of hope . But I don't think the human race is ready for it .

Christchurch Girl
In my humble opinion, the original Star Trek was the best.

the longest option is the right one


Player #97184361
LGT, Very nicely explained LGT. Dismiss.

Player #97184361
Snance, That’s an emotional conclusion. Never let that colour any decisions when in com(man)d.