Which famous physicist was born in Ulm, Germany?
Correct answer: Albert Einstein

Sheldon Cooper? ha ha

Sheldon Cooper!! LOL 😁

Einstein was removed from school when very young because the teachers thought he was mentally ill. LOL

🐞, Many geniuses have mental illness. It's extremely curious.

I recently read "The Other Einstein" about his first wife, Mileva. She did much of the math parts of his theories, but since she was a woman, her name was left out of being published in their papers and she was finally given credit for a lot of his work later in life. They divorced after she found out Albert was sleeping with his cousin, whom he later married.

All things are relative.

Anyone else notice Einstein was born on Pi day(March 14th or 3.14)???

Sheldon Cooper -funny!

Player #9442102
🐞, that's because he daydreamed all the time.

Player #24192393
AppleA815, so was sheldon... i just don't know how his friends can tolerate him...

Player #146489328
I can't believe that some people think that Goering was a physicist and don't seem to know that he was a die-hard Nazi - the head of Hitler's Luftwaffe and furthermore don't seem to have an idea who Einstein was

GrandmaTanya, yep my ex is a genius and was addicted to sex, alcohol and cigarettes.

Jackie, actually I write the month first always have ( im 62 ) guess i always will

DrO, no one writes it like that. it's 14/03

Sheldon was born in Texas

Player #34641139
🐞, his mother had him tested.

Efandra2003, you caught that too. 🤣

Player DrO, very clever

Hausa Koko
Sheldon Cooper is the greatest Physicist 😂 😂 still love the BBT

HandyMint, wrong & what's your point?

Player #2331803
We all wanted the answer to be Shelfo

Player. Ty
That's A No~Brainer Question!😡

Player #5100533
, It didn't matter, he was a Jew. To a NAZI, That = Death. Game over.

Player #5100533
Efandra2003, Hermann Goering? I'm sure he was a NAZI....

I had a brain freeze and hit the wrong answer. sorry Einstein!

I remember when my dad explained the theory of relativity to me when I was a teenager and I definitely faked that it made complete sense to me. Makes complete sense to me now of course!

Efandra2003, I didn't even see that!! haahaahaa

Player #4319749
Player SQinfoNUTS, Also, when a taxi driver asked for directions to his house, he said I'm Einstein, just take me home!

AppleA815, This is the burden of the creative genius.

Player SQinfoNUTS
Angel Smith, two more fun Albert Einstein things. Please come from when he lived in the US at Princeton New Jersey. One he didn't know his telephone number. He said if you knew it you would look it up in the phone book also he never needed to call himself. also he wrote a poem about his burgeoning popularity while in the US. Ready? Everywhere I Go Everywhere I stay there's always a picture of me on display.

AppleA815, And they're more prone to addictions

Efandra2003, or HERMAN GORING, HAH!