What is the largest muscle in the human body?
Correct answer: Gluteus Maximus

* Seshati *, judging from current comments, Trinka's comment was most likely akin to, "The gluteus maximus is important because it keeps you from falling into the toilet". 😁

wish I can read the Trinka comment....
I hate being left out of the joke...😕

* Seshati *
Sadly can’t see Trinka’s comment it must have been funny most peeps replying to it. I wonder why comments disappear - maybe when people delete the app hmm dunno.

Trinka, lol..lol..lol

Player #3912108
Trinka, fakebutts

Trinka, No chance to fall in the toilet...that for sure!

Player alaida, quadriceps isn't a muscle, it's a group of 4 muscles

I knew this thanks to.. yoga pants! 😍

Mujahid Mohideen R
Nice to know about a muscle which helps us in every movement of legs..superb.. fantastic

* Seshati *, ditto

Cheryl , lol 😂

the epidermis (skin) was the largest organ back in my day. Guess the Kardashians changed all that. 🤷

Player #71157241
gleutos maxsimus what a funny name for a muscles I learnt that in grade 3 so it's so easy any one could have known that

yeah, is the one that is forever sore in my body that is until l visit my osteopath...

since when have they started charging for extra lifes.

Gnarly Dudette
Guillermo, I know this thanks to reading a book.

Player #25874027
Some strings are huge . I doubt this

assenav623, hence quad

assenav623, you are wrong,quadriceps meens that is attached to four points,other muscle there are biceps femoris,sartorius,semitendinosus...

* Seshati *, only so many can appear at a time. The oldest usually "fall off" first.

And what's Trinka's comments that made this section agog?

Jayne Fonda
Trinka, LOLS!

Player #11972146
the quadracepts are a group of 4 muscles not 1. this is also a poorly worded question and depending in the individual could be different from person to person.

"The most superficial..." that's why Doctors and Nurses see that big bullseye when its
Shot Time... 😊

Player Star
Trinka, 😅😅

Navy vet 1973785
So Chump is walking on his hands!

Navy vet 1973785
Trinka, there is a lot of junk in those trunks!

Player #8489347
wizard32125, bwahahahahaha!

Player #5513970
Just been doing exercises for this. In the hydro pool at the hospital. It’s definitely working.

Trinka, 🤣🤣🤣

Trinka, LMAO!!!! 😂