In which year did WW2 begin?

Correct answer: 1939

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What people think about it: 15 Comments
Player Elf Counsel
Player Elf Counsel
Lawdy Miss Clawdy, The war didn't end until the Japanese surrendered. I remember it well. It was well after my fourth birthday which was on August second.
WW2 started different times for different countries
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Player #8830801, war huh good lord yawl what is it good for ... absolutely nothing. It means destruction of innocent lives.
You are correct. Why does it matter? It matters to those who lost loved ones, loved ones who sacrificed and paid the ultimate price.
And still there are wars going on in this world
Player #5513970
Player #5513970
I was born at the end of July so my mum was pregnant then. How did they go on. We did have a Anderson shelter in the garden.
Linardy, there was only 1 start date for WWII, and that was Sept 1939. When Britian and France declared war on Germany after the invasion of Poland, the Commonwealth countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc, were automatically in it. The US joined only after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
mav06420, its not a world war if only 2 countries involved
Player blessedchica, Its an air raid shelter
Player #32567393
Player #32567393
* Seshati *, Cozzy 25, Absolutely, I grew up when the Vietnam war was on & everyone was against it, myself included. 😎
your dates are wrong. Check the invasion of China by the Japanese Empire as the start of the World War
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
I don’t know about others but I’m wondering I might copy & post comments I’m referring to as it get might confusing to try & follow comment threads when one or more have been deleted lol 😆
excellent information
Player #3833664
Player #3833664
With computers please, no WW3
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
FunkyMonkey, The information is still correct even if it did come from Wikipedia.