Which of these actors has not portrayed Howard Hughes, an American business magnate, in the movies?
Correct answer: Clint Eastwood

Poor Howard! If he was living today and had the same disease he had in the 40’s & 50’s he wud have been diagnosed correctly! Along with Rita Hayworth! Everyone thot they were drunks, and the public & their own circle of friends wrote them off as being crazy or alcoholics and they were neither!! They were BiPolar & Rita also had Alzheimer’s too! Many stars of the golden age were afflicted with a legitimate mental or physical disease and bcuz it was back then, & there was no research & discoveries yet, they just wrote about them harshly & treated so bad!!! That’s so sad!

Player #25874027
And Dirty Harry Callaghan deserves special mention “ Go ahead,punk, make my day!”

Howard had OCD which affected his mental health and he became a recluse. He’s a fascinating man. He invented lots of stuff and carefully patented them. He became a billionaire unlike poor Nikolai Tesla who died penniless. He didn’t paten his inventions and his ideas were stolen sadly