In medieval Germany, what was the way of ending a marriage?
Correct answer: Divorce combat

Most important question: How are lawyers supposed to make a buck (or thousands of them) from this procedure?

I'm confused - this describes the fight but not the outcome. Did the winner get to decide if the divorce was granted or not? Who got to keep the house? Not sure I'd want to live together after something like this!

Judge not the morals of the past by the morals of today but judge them in their own time

Perr Bear
The preacher asked her,
And she says "Yes I do"
The preacher asked me,
And she says "Yes, he does too"'
I now pronounce you 99 to life,
She ain't no lady, She's my wife...

Marriage is a dying ceremony. Most are content to just cohabitation, and when it's no longer viable,walk away.

The order of relationships was once: meet, date for several years, get engaged for a year, get married, have kids. Today it's more like: meet, have sex without birth control (play the Daddy Lottery), get knocked up by whomever, shack up, have three kids, get married (maybe), fight for custody, even though divorced kids do best when they see BOTH parents regularly (kids need their Dads), get divorced.

Thank the Force that doesn’t occur today my Lightsaber would be no use against my Mrs rolling pin!!!!! It costs a lot to get a divorce I think but at least in today’s society life still goes on afterwards.

Claims against spouses can be difficult to prove or disprove. Whoever won the divorce duel would be considered to be telling the truth. The loser usually survived the combat, but would be put to death by the authorities or bystanders.

How brutal...and ridiculous in today's Society!

Player #120374466
Player #54621155, Just as in the Middle Ages, there's not that much of morals being kept these days. People throw God's good moral back into his face.

Maman Moustique
kk, according to an intro re: divorce combat in Ger, it is quite brutal. It was said that, if she wins, she is allowed to cut his head off; if she loses, he is allowed to bury her alive. The winner gets everything at the end.

This is totally new i have never heard about this.

I bet the woman practiced a long time throwing rocks before she got a divorce ???

Souljah Gal
Ric, Go back to the "BOOK OF GENESIS"

Lionessa, you hit the nail on the head I agree

Maybe if we bring back Divorce to the Death, more people would bother to learn the meaning of Vows they take when they get married, including the meaning of the word, "Vow."

I've never ever even read this in a historical novel. I really DID learn something new today.

still have to do divorce combat to end a marriage

sounds more like the marriage than the divorce

Player #33730537
I think we should bring this back. It would really give someone something to think about if divorce is their answer. Personally I think it should be to the death. Love Kills.

Chris, but cheap. No legal fees.

Perr Bear, Lyle Lovett

I just guessed idk