Which of these four makes the loudest noise?
Correct answer: Sperm whale

So many amazing aspects intriculately woven together to make this world in which we live.

Player #4250921
unicorn 54, Having seen whales in the ocean, I can say it is one of the more thrilling experiences that I have had.

Player Elf Counsel
Player #4250921, They used to play whale songs outside the Brisbane museum. It was lovely to sit and listen to them but haven't heard it lately. A pity.

Player #3833664
Biggest animal Biggest noise?

unicorn 54, have seen a gray whale up close under our 18' boat in Monterey Bay...knowing they're extremely intelligent helped quell the fear. Grays are smaller than sperm whales, but still awfully big up close.

Player #4355392
luckycatfay, The questios didn't distinguish land or sea. It just said loudest animal.

OsMikaVi #26065885
underwater sound travels faster

:(Nancy E):
Judy Collins album has whale noises. The first I ever heard them.

Player Elf Council
AutumnalCrust12, And I love Wales and the beautiful music their choirs make.

Player #3833664, Not quite! The Blue whale is the biggest, but the Sperm whale is the loudest. Different animals.

Player #66817220
Player #25874027, I seem to remember water conducts sound more reliably than air.

Player #66817220
Player Elf Council, oh sure, play that Cardiff you dare!

:(Nancy E):, I have the album also; beautiful music

Player #3833664, biggest animal is the blue whale my friend

Player #2512936
Player #3833664, Strange, usually the smaller something is the more noise it makes short guys = short man syndrome!

Player #24209734
Lance here, know what's cool about that, is (think if) sound that noisy sound lasted longer than a millisecond

Player #25874027, elephants hear subsonic frquencies(low bass sounds)i remember them being able to hear a long ways by putting their ears to the ground(20 miles?)

Whalein 52 can't relate

swimming with whales would be the last thing I'd be doing, imagine hearing their beautiful calls. it's too beautiful to bare, I think encountering it irl would be a scare..🤣🤣

Player Elf Council, 🤣

Player #25874027
Player #9398981,
Can any land animal be heard 10 or 500 miles away?
I thought whale song travelled further

Player elguapo
Player #3833664, no

EliteLawyercat57024, if it's underwater how can I hear it?

I did know it was the whale but just saying we don't hear it on land.