"The Stranger Beside Me" novel chronicles the friendship of the author with which notorious serial killer?
Correct answer: Ted Bundy

A friend of mine was approached by him at Lake Sammamish while he was still in Seattle. She picked up on his crazy vibes and later identified his VW to police. Smart girl.

seanieG eire/kreta
Player #33717691, they reckon he may have killed double the amount of people he admitted to

the VW in the background gave it away for me.

I attended the University of Utah in 1974-1976. I learned from reading "The Stranger Beside Me," that Ted Bundy was at the U of U Law School in 1975. Because his address in Utah was listed in the book, I went there and found that Ted Bundy lived directly across the street from where I lived with my college roommate. I did not sleep well that night.

Tasty Potato
tunegrabber, that's how I knew also.

In the book, "The Stranger Beside Me," Anne Rule says that she attended Bundy's trials in Florida. During a break, she had the chance to speak to him (she was a cop before an author), and she asked Bundy, "How many, Ted? Do we know about them all now?" To which Bundy replied, "You would need another column of digits." So, at least 100 women. People who have studied Bundy have no trouble believing this.

"Ted, just admit it ..." Does anybody know where that's from?