The Commonwealth Realm is the name of how many states in the Commonwealth of Nations?
Correct answer: Fifteen

I was so confused 🫤 on that one

Byrde Alpha Bitch
WDA, Revolution & being rebellious seems to be engrained into Americans. Good or Bad, it is there. Personally, we like that part of us.

Malta also forms part of the Commonwealth.

Blocky, well when we choose the longest answer for the question, it won't always work tho

I actually didnt know the answer then in the option fifteen was the biggest number I clicked it and I was lucky!!!!

easy just pick the most number because there's lot of Commonwealth

Interesting and yet, somewhat logical. But I thought that the current British Commonwealth of Nations (formerly the British Empire, of which, the United States was a former member of the First British Empire from 1607 to 1783 that we later went independent from the United Kingdom due to the Revolutionary War) currently contains more than just 15 nations in it's roster...

As you can see in the picture, there are a lotta flags, so it’s gotta be fifteen.